2-second victime

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A/N i am sorry i repeat my word but i dont have insperation. so in the friend froupe i forgot one personne so imma tell all the friend groupe so there's Kaila, Anna, Gabby, Rebecca, Maina, Chase,Kody,Willis, Patrik and i the one i forgot Xavier enjoy!!


everyone at school heard about the news, all our friend groupe is devectated but mostly Patrik, Kaila's boyfriend, we all loved Kaila but i know she talked in all of our back's but i didn't tell anyone. When everyone found out the news I was at Chase's house , my boyfriend, Anna was at a sleepover at Maina's, Kody and Matt was at Xiaver's and IRDK but Rebecca was at Willis's. When we heard the news at 1 am and we all went to mine, we didnt sleep all night.

now we are at school but i think im gonna skip all day cause i dont think i will be able to consentrate.

G-hey guys im gona skip all day i dont think i will be able to consentrat today

C- sure babe is it okay if i stay with you?

G-yeah i dont wanna be alone enyone else wanna join

ALL-of course!

we get up and all go to Anna's house because its the closestto the school. we get there and sit in the living room

W- what do we do now im SO bored

C+X+K+P-same frl but what are we gonna do

me and the girls start laughing cause all the boys said the same thing at the same time

A- how about we watch a gost scary movie

all except Gabby- yeah why not

G-NO you know i HATE gost/spirit movies

C-thats all the fun here babe youre cute when you scared

A+M+R- its true you are kinda cute when youre scared

G- ok BUT we are keeping ALL the lights open or else i won't watch it understand

all- ok

we decided to watch the conjering. its already been 15 minutes and im fucking scared i am a strong girl but when it comes to this kind of movies i am scared like a little girl.

13 hours later

its the middle of the night and im staying at Chase's with Maina, Anna, Xiaver and Kody. Willis said he had to go home for a family thing, Reb said she had to go to her mom's even thought its not her mom's week and Patrik said he had to go home to do all the clening in the house because her grandma is coming for a visit.

/3 POV/

Patrik is cleaning the house. His parents home isn't home, they went to pick his grandma from the airoporte she came back from mexico and is coming back in Ohio. He is doing the dishes until the phone rings


P- hello?

??-hello i have a question

P-who are you

??- idk who are you

P-well i am me and you fuvking assat is someone i dont know so bye

he hangs up the phone but after 5 sec its rings again



??-dont hang up on me again or you'll die like your girlfriend did

P-what the fuck do you want

??-i wanna play a game so here is what you're gonna do, if you get a question wrong you diethere is 3 question and its about scary movie but before we start your favorite scary movie?

P-euhh Halloween

??- ok so first question what are the name or names of the killer or killers in scream 1

P- euhh billy... billy loomis and stu

??- wrong you forgot stu's last name so bye bye life

gostface comes out of nowere and puts patrik's head in the sink and drowns him. After he stabs him 5 times


Patrik's parents arrived home and her mom screamed when she found Patrik's body hanging in the tree behind the house.

Both of his parents called the friend groupe to tell them the bad news

hey guys hope you enjoyed

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