"It's incredible I can't believe you managed to make all of this in just a few weeks," I said running my hand over it not believing it was real.

"Like I told you from the start I love your character already and I couldn't wait to bring the look to life. I'm also working on a few different jackets for you but they aren't done yet, but don't worry by the time you have your first match it'll be ready to go.

"Just saying thanks doesn't feel like enough," I said.

"Don't worry it is. I've been doing this for fifteen years now and I think this is my best design and most fun one I've ever done," Cindy said looking at the outfits full of pride like it was her own child all grown up and ready for the world to see.

"Well, I can't wait to show them to the world," I told her.


Fifteen minutes later Deb, Julia, and Cindy were all packed back up and heading back to help the rest of the superstars get ready. Leaving me and Nicole alone once again. I gently folded all my new outfits and placed them carefully in my dresser. I had the rest of my outfit for tonight all laid out on the couch, I didn't want to get ready to early. I looked at the clock it was still an hour till the show would start and I wouldn't go on until ten minutes before it ends. I sat down at the table where Nicole had resumed her work and sighed.

"You good?" she asked.

"Yes, but I hate waiting, this has been the longest wait of my life," I told her.

"Don't worry just enjoy this time, it'll go by faster than you think," she said but that was easier said than done. After ten minutes of sitting, I got up and started pacing from one end of the bus to the other. Back and forth over and over, everything running through my mind. The thing I still worried about was coming off as a heel, I had to find that inner anger. To my annoyance to the whole thing, I pulled out my phone and messaged Roman.

'Waiting is not one of my strong points. Did you know its twenty-three steps from the driver's seat to your bedroom door? How do I find my inner anger to come off as a heel? Maybe this is moving too quick and I'm not ready.' I rambled to him just for something to do and to calm the growing anxiety. Usually something like this sends me to my sketchbook, but I couldn't sit still long enough to even thinking about drawing. I honestly wasn't expecting an answer with the show starting soon but after pacing the room, I got not a message back but an actual phone call. My chest tightened as I went to answer it.

"Chief," I answered.

"Are you sitting?" he questioned and I didn't hear a hint of annoyance.


"Then sit," he said. I walked over to the couch and sat. "Close your eyes," he said and I did as he instructed.

"Okay," I said.

"I want you to think about everything that's ever pissed you off. Your family or not having a family. All the hell you've went through to get to this point, all the negative things anyone has said about you. Use that anger and when it's time you let it out," he said. I took a deep breath and breathed back out.

"Alright, sorry I bothered you. Just been sitting here working myself up into a panic because waiting sucks."

"It's not a bother. I take responsibility for you and fix what is wrong that's why I'm head of the family. I told you to tell me everything and Briar it isn't too soon, this will happen tonight and it's going to be legendary."

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