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The Phantom dragged Charlie deep into the catacombs, his hold on her wrist tight as his voice howled like hell itself. Anger, sadness and bitterness filled the voice of the angel of music.

Down once more to the dungeons of my black despair!
Down we plunge to the prison of my mind!
Down that path into darkness deep as hell!

Charlie stumbled to keep up with his fast strides, desperate to get away from him, but his grip ensured she wouldn't leave that easily. She was starting to get scared for herself as he began to yell at her.

Why, you ask, was I bound and chained in this cold and dismal place?
Not for any mortal sin, but the wickedness of my abhorrent face!

As the theater above burned, it was just as bad with the negative emotions stirring and flying backstage. Under Erica's permission, Rose gathered many people who began to band together, the flames of the opera house fueling their rage, chanting vehemethly and marching for the underground labyrinth:

Track down this murderer! He must be found!
Track down this murderer! He must be found!

Malleus hauled Charlie out of the boat, but she she tried to fight back, yet his strength overpowered her as she felt her feet hit the pavement of his domain as he hauled her towards the mannequin in the wedding dress, dark curtain surrounding the lifeless figure.

Hounded out by everyone!
Met with hatred everywhere!
No kind word from anyone!
No compassion anywhere!
Charlotte, Charlotte...Why...?...why?!

Yet even as he shouted at her she showed no fear, a neutral gaze in her eyes and on her face and shaking her for an answer. But still he got nothing in return merely a look cold as ice.....

Rebecca hurriedly took Riddle through the same passageway that she and Rose went through in the main dressing room, carefully avoiding the moat of water that lapped beneath them. She had her hand at the crook of his arm, carefully leading him with careful but strong strides to quickly get to where her best friend was being kept prisoner by the demonic assailant.

"Are you sure this is the righty way?" Riddle asked again, looking around confused. He had a feeling this would likely be where Malleus would stay yet it seemed to be almost like a maze! So many twists and turns, one could easily get lost and never return to the surface.....but it seems like Rebecca knew where she was heading....so it seemed he has nothing to worry about...

"I'm certain; It never left my memory!" The ginger was dead set on the path, keeping a hold on Riddle's arm as they hurried through the corridors. Her voice was full of stern sureness as they walked on. Soon, she stopped when she came to the exact spot where she and Rose saw Charlie, and turns back to face Riddle. "You'll have to continue on your own. This is where we halted seeing them come back all those months ago. Just follow the river and you'll be there...and remember: keep your hand at the level of your eyes."

"At the level of my eyes....Understood." Riddle nods as she released him, their words echoing between them as well as a few of the dancer's voices overhead, as if giving off a foreboding warning . He hurried a few steps ahead only to turn back and smile with a tired but grateful front. "And thank you."

"No problem! Just go! I'll see to the mob! We'll be here to take him prisoner soon!" She nods and sharing one last look, they ran off in opposing directions, never looking back.

The Labyrinth of Love, Murder and Music (TWST X POTO AU) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz