Chapter 7

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You, Ivy and Zack were on a boat. Carmen in ocean, searching for the shipwreck that Player had informed you guys about. You had chosen to stay with Zack and Ivy as you never actually enjoyed swimming, diving was worse. You laid on the deck, splayed in a starfish position and staring at the sky. You lifted your arm up, holding it their for a while before dropping it down. You groaned as Zack bent over the side of the boat, barfing, while Ivy scouted the area. 

You got up and, walked up to her, squinting at what she was looking at with her binoculars. 

"Motor off... no one on board..." Ivy says as Zack stands beside the both of you. You look at her before looking at the boat and stroking your chin. You point to the ship in the distance, facing sideways and lifting one leg to lay on the railing of the boat. 

"Onward we go," you say dramatically, before going to the boats console and increasing the speed to reach there. You quickly put on a disguise, a wig and some shades and, a whole new outfit, as the boat approaches the ship. A thud resounds through the boat and you hear Ivy and Zack gasp. You peek out from behind the console and gasp. Le Chevre stood in front of the three of you, looking suspiciously at you, then Ivy and Zack. You walk to stand next to Zack and Ivy. 

"Who are you? What are you doing out here?" Le Chevre asks in an interrogation voice, his hands clasps behind him as  he bends down to squint at you. You rub the back of your head and say, 

"Fishing for... fish and uh, yeah fish?" 

"We're, fishermen!" Zack says.

"Fisherwomen, hello!" Ivy jabs Zack with her elbow. 

"You do not sound or look like you're from around here," Chevre says, squinting at specifically you. You look at him, annoyed by the fact that he was suspicious of you already. 

"Well, uh, Boston Harbor was getting really crowded, you see-- Oops," Zack chuckles nervously, rubbing the back of his head as Ivy jabs him once again. Chevre just shrugs and turn around. A few minutes pass before Players voice booms out from Ivy's intercom.

"Wrap it up, surface crew. Carmen needs assist."

"Uh oh." You say before Le Chevre throws a kick to you. You dodge, landing a few feet away from him. Zack and Ivy hide behind the console and watch. You pull off the wig and shades and stretch. "So much for all that effort put into a disguise," you roll your eyes, getting into an attack stance. Le Chevre gasps and looks at you. 

"I knew it! (c/n)!"

"Everyone calls me (y/n) now, just so you know," you say, before punching his stomach. He rolls backwards and jumps up, tightening his hands into fists and swinging at you, you dodging and blocking his hits. 

"Help!" A voice cries out and, the two of you look over towards the source. Not too far from the boat, El Topo emerged from the water, flailing his arms around. Le Chevre looked at you before groaning. 

"This isn't over!" he yelled, grabbing a lifebuoy and hopping onto the boats' railing. Before he could jump into the water, you kick him, watching as he goes toppling into the water. You cackle and Ivy and Zack join you, laughing at him. 


You, Zack and Ivy were still on the boat, while Carmen spoke to the sailor that had caught the fish who had eaten the doubloon. 

"He says his catch is already on its way to Quito for auction and our coin-swallowing fish with it," Carmen says, walking up to our boat. 

"For a fish out of water, old yellow-fin sure gets around," Ivy said.

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