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Hello! New xiaoven AU here... Well I haven't log into wattpad for so long really and I apologize teehee♡

-Character intro!
I made some redesigns to fit the vibe but it's not too much!

-Character intro! I made some redesigns to fit the vibe but it's not too much!

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Prince Venti


Next in line to the kingdom
- Son of the current ruler, Istaroth
- Spoiled prince with little to zero survival skill
- Ran away from the castle to find 'freedom'

 Next in line to the kingdom- Son of the current ruler, Istaroth- Spoiled prince with little to zero survival skill- Ran away from the castle to find 'freedom'

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- live in a village in the forest with her sister, Ganyu
- A hunter, he hunts animal to eat and sell

Magic exist in this world, everyone can learn it but it's commonly practised by higher society. In this case, Venti knows wind magic!
There's creatures like elemental spirits that roams around in the world :D


his series will have slow updates because of school and well, it's me lmao but I'll try my best to finish it!
Please enjoy the prologue~~


It's another peaceful, uneventful day in the kingdom. The birds are chirping as usual and the sun shines bright in the sky. Istaroth, the current ruler, flips through the pages of her paperwork calmly. It's truly like just any other day.

But nothing could have prepared her for the moment that is about to come. A guard suddenly burst into the room, panting heavily as if he has just finished a 10 miles run.

"Why, is it that hard to knock? " She said without looking up from her desk filled with paperworks. The guard panic and calm himself before bowing down politely, "I apologize your majesty, but something has happened with prince Venti-"

Istaroth sigh deeply, she finally move her gaze away from the work and look at the guard that's still bowing down. "What mischief has he got himself in now?" She asked, unsurprised.

The prince had been born an only child and was spoiled rotten by the servants. Somehow he grows up to have a 'taste of adventure' and constantly gets himself into trouble just for the sake of it. He has accidentally set a room on fire once trying to recreate the experience of a 'campfire'.. Or when he climbed a tree in the castle garden trying to reach for an apple. The servants panicked and begged him to come down, promising lots of apple if he does. But the prince, stubborn as always, insist that fruits plucked directly from the tree tastes better. Only to slip and fall after getting a grip on the fruit.

Luckily Venti has learned magic and has quite the natural talent for it. Right before he fell face flat to the ground, he was able to slow down the fall by creating a wind barrier below him. After getting to the ground safely, he grinned at the frozen servants that was too shocked from the fall to react and continue to eat his freshly picked apple.

Venti has got himself into trouble many times, but none.. None could compare with what's about to come out of the guard's mouth.

The guard stares at the floor beneath him, afraid to see her majesty reaction to the news. "The prince has ran away.. "

Istaroth drop the ink pen that's she was holding, her eyes widen with disbelief,

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