Going All The Way?

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Louis followed Harry to the bathroom; how eager he was showing in every step. It was pathetic how much he wanted Harry. Needed Harry. Harry opened the door to the stall and Louis felt his heart race. He was going to be alone with this gorgeous man in a small stall. Louis clearly didn't think this through. Louis walked in first, breathing heavily and face flushed. He turned around. Harry was right there. Harry grasped his hips and kissed him all over. As Louis felt Harry's tongue enter his mouth, he let himself go. Louis couldn't think. Louis couldn't move. He didn't want to. Harry pushed him up against the wall and Louis almost blacked out at the feeling of their bodies pressed together. Then, Harry backed up. He ruffled Louis' hair and before he walked out, he turned around.

"See? You want me, Louis. You're desperate. Stay desperate. I've never tasted anyone better." Harry walked out, leaving Louis breathing heavily and wanting Harry more than ever.


Louis left the bathroom after a while, looking more put together than he was. He looked around and spotted Harry on the dance floor; drink in hand. Louis sat back down by the bar before he died right there outside of the bathroom. He ordered another drink, trying to keep his mind off of the sexy man on the dance floor. Louis turned around in his seat; not able to keep his eyes off of Harry for too long. Harry caught Louis' eyes and kept his gaze locked on Louis. He had a control over Louis that Louis never wanted to get rid of. Louis got up and walked over. He had no idea where this burst of confidence came from but he was going to make the most of it. This time, Louis was going to be on top. Louis turned Harry around; hands on hips, back to chest.

"You thought that was it, Harry?"

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