Oh that part..

He remembered

Wybie was there with him when he got his car used, even Kubo and Eggs were there to experience his worst first driving technique

"And after that little accident you four had because of some weird mechanical failure? Wybie became a bit skeptical about the thought of you still using that car.."

"I think that's when he realized that it's getting dangerous now..."


Out of the blue, Coraline chuckled as a part of her memory made her remember something "And usual, everytime we go out on our own for a motor ride, He would always say SF and go.."

"SF?" Norman raised his brow at the newfound word

"Safety First and go..." Coraline grinned

"And I definitely understand why he does that..."

"He got the Engineering degree back in college.."

Ahhhh yes, College

And so if happens that the four of them manage to stay in one boarding house once

Having Eggs and Wybie

He remembered how the two skimmed pages in a very unconvinient hour

"Yeah.." Norman chuckled "He and Eggs got that degree together and oh boy...the desperation from their eyes is so pitiful..."

"And yet, he chose to be a Mechanic..." she smiled as she watched her partner reaching something under the vehicle as the black cat with his usual spot on the working table, curiously observing his caretaker mumbling

"Hey, bushy brows.." Coraline teased with a snicker

"Shouldn't you be wondering why he chose to fix cars in the first place?" She added with a slight raise of her brow

Wybie never told any of them that reason

As soon as Coraline opened her mouth and words formed

The next few stories made the young medium to stare in disbelief and realization....

     And of course, he couldn't help but sneak a small pat rowards the cat even how busy he was on his work

It makes him feel relaxed somehow

It didn't take long that he manage to finish working out car

Wybie stood up and placed all the tools back on the table

To his wonder, Norman was already behind him, not saying a single word but rather, bothered

As much as he didn't want the tension to be awkward, Wybie put a smile on his face to assure his friend that they're in good terms

"Oh hey, sorry about that a while ago, I was um, not in a rational state if mind..but, your car is somehow alright now..I think? It did overheated so you might wanna purchase this to replace it.." he mentioned, giving Norman a small piece of paper enlisted all the tools

But instead of taking and reading it, Norman placed it in his pocket and stared back at him

He had something else to say

Blinking as he try to sum up the courage, he sighed in deepr regret

"I'm sorry..."

It left Wybie widened his eyes at the sudden apology

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