Chapter 67 - The Start Of The End part 2

Start from the beginning

"Oh, that's right!" Yumi pulled out her phone again and called Kakucho. "Hello, Mr. Hitto. I was just calling to tell you that (Y/n) dropped her lunchable on the ground and that I was going to buy her something else to eat."

"How did she manage that?" Kakucho asked on the other end.

She looked at me for help.

"Tell him I tripped over the carpet or something" I whispered to her.

"She tripped over a small bump in the carpet."

"I see."

"Is it alright if I can have another thirty minutes for lunch?"

"Yes. Oh and tell (Y/n) to be more careful next time." Kakucho hanged up the phone.

"Mr. Hitto said to be more careful next time."

"Of course he did." I opened my bag and brought out my lunchable. I then took the lunchable out of the box it came in and removed the thin piece of plastic that was keeping the food contents inside the thick plastic container. "I hate to do this but we need to make this look believable." The two of us walked out of the bathroom and towards the front door. "I also really don't want to fall but..." I kicked at a spot in front of me to make a small bump in the carpet. "It is what it is." I made it seem like I tripped over the small bump I made and 'dropped' my lunchable on the ground. "Damn it!" I slowly got up from the floor.

"Are you okay, (Y/n)?" Yumi was playing along.

"Yeah, but now I'm going to have to get something else to eat." I could see one of the men in black make his way over to me.

"Are you alright, Ms. (Y/n)?" the man asked as he offered me his hand.

I took it. "He knows my name?" I thought as he helped me off the floor. "Yeah."

"Good." He looked at another guy in the room and he came over to help clean the mess. "Would you like for me to get you something else to eat?"

"It's fine. I'm actually going somewhere with Yumi."

"I see. Well you have a good lunch."

Yumi and I left the building as the two men cleaned the mess I made.

"Should we report this to Mr. Hitto?" the one with the broom asked.

"No. As long as we're watching her, then everything is fine."

"When did they decide to start calling me my name?" I asked out of nowhere as I got into Yumi's car. "I guess one of Bonten probably informed them so they could keep tabs on me." I let out a sigh and put my seat belt on.

"Wait, am I getting you something to eat?"

"That's not important right now." I pulled out my burner phone. "We need to look for a pet shop." I don't know why, but my dumb-ass decided to try and use the internet on my burner phone. "Wait, this thing can't load google maps!" I angrily closed my flip phone.

"You can use my phone." Yumi hadn't started driving yet and handed me her phone. "Also, how are you able to keep that phone on without them knowing?"

"I brought a bunch of minutes when I first got it and I barely even use them." I made her unlock her phone and navigated my way to google. "Okay, let's see what all pet shops are in the area." I searched pet shops nearby and got a few results.

"If you don't mind me asking, but why are you looking for a pet shop?" Yumi started her car and began to drive.

"It had to do with that guy I mentioned last night." I kept looking at all the different pet shops. "I should have looked at the name of Chifuyu's shop when I had the chance!" I clicked on another link and it brought me to something completely different.

"Maybe the reviews about the different pet shops might help you find the one you're looking for" Yumi suggested.

"You might be on to something." I clicked another pet shop name and read the reviews. "Okay, it's not this one." I clicked another one. "OMG, the guy who works there is so fucking hot. I pretended to adopt a hamster or whatever just so I could talk to him some more" I read out loud. "Wow, this person posted a picture of the shop and the guy they were talking about."

"That's not right of them to adopt that hamster just to get the attention of the person working there" Yumi pointed out.

"I agree." I clicked on the picture and zoomed in. "Ah! That's it! That's Kazutora!" I exited out of the picture and looked at the name of the shop along with the address. "Yumi, could you take us here?" I waited until she was at a red light to show her the address.

"Okay. Can you give me the directions?"

"Sure thing." That meant I was going to let google assistant tell her where to go because I did not trust myself.

Meanwhile, over at a certain pet shop, Chifuyu let out a heavy sigh and of course Kazutora noticed it.

"What's wrong?" Kazutora asked Chifuyu.

"That girl who came in here to 'return' the hamster she adopted." Chifuyu walked over to the cage where the hamster was at. "She pissed me off."

"Well you don't have to worry about the hamster since she brought it back" Kazutora told him.

"I know but still." He let out another sigh. "I hate when girls like that come in here." He then glared over at Kazutora. "You know, you're mainly the reason this keeps happening."

"If you want me to quit, then I will." Kazutora made an attempt to take off the apron he was wearing.

Chifuyu held up his hand. "No. You're the only way that can help me." Kazutora tied his apron back on again. "But it would be nice if someone actually wanted to adopt one of these little guys without trying to impress you." Chifuyu walked over to one of the display walls where there was a few kittens playing with one another.

"I'm sure someone will..."

Just as Kazutora was about to finish his sentence, the sound of the door opening caught his attention along with Chifuyu's. And like usual, Chifuyu greeted the person who enter his shop.

"Good afternoon" Chifuyu greeted with a smile on his face.

Instead of being greeted back, he was met with heavy breathing.

"You didn't have to run all the way over here, (Y/n)! You could have just let me park closer."

I tried to catch my breath. ""

"(Y/n)?" both Chifuyu and Kazutora questioned as they stared at my struggling form. 

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