
They come downstairs soon after, Sam still in her pajamas and making a beeline to the coffee maker.

"Good morning to you too," Gianna chuckles, only laughing more at the bun practically falling apart on Samantha's head.

"Es demasiado temprano," she pours some creamer in, sitting at her usual spot at the table. "Where's dad?"

"He had an emergency meeting with a client this morning. He'll be back later."

"Kay. How was your night, girls?" Sam turns to the preteens with sleepy eyes.


"We like thunderstorm... hot cocoa," El nods.

"Yeah, it's really good," Max agrees as the woman sets four plates of food.

"Good, it's my specialty. You girls come over whenever you like, okay?"

"Yes, Mrs. Flores," they say in unison.

"Any plans today?" she asks.

"We're going to Mike's," Bianca takes a sip.

"Oh, you made up?"


"Okay," she nods, turning to Sam. "You?"

"I'm stopping by the mall to buy a dress for tomorrow, then I'm staying over Dawn's house," she explains.

"Ooh, a dress for your date with Steve," Gianna singsongs, and the girls join in.

"It's not a big deal, it's just one date," she groans, hiding a smile as she takes another bite.


Once Sam arrives at the mall, she stops by her job, picking up a red dress for tomorrow. It stopped mid-thigh, flaring out a bit at the hem, and she knew it would look great with an oversized jean jacket and some accessories.

She checks out pretty quickly, making a beeline to Scoops Ahoy. As soon as she walks over, Dustin opens the break room door, letting her in.

"You're just in time. I scoped out the Russians."

"What'd you find?" she pulls up a chair, meeting eyes with Steve.

"There's a key card that opens the door, but the only thing is, the Russian with this key card also has a massive gun. Whatever's in this room, whatever's in those boxes, they really don't want anybody finding it."

"But there's gotta be a way in."

Steve then leads forward, dropping his hat on the table. "Well, you know, I could just take him out."

Sam snorts, as Robin questions, "Take who out?"

"The Russian guard. What? I sneak behind him, I knock him out, and I take his keycard. It's easy."

"Did you hear the part about the massive gun?" Dustin raises his eyebrows.

"Yes, Dustin, I did. And that's why I would be sneaking."

"Well, please, tell me this, and be honest, have you ever actually... won a fight?"

"Okay, that was one time-"

"Two times," Sam corrects, holding up two fingers as he gasps in betrayal.

"Yeah, Jonathan, year prior."

"Listen, that doesn't count."

"Why wouldn't it count? Because it looked like he beat the shit out of you."

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