Chapter 1

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Isabel sat at her desk, hunched over a notebook, a pen in her hand. Her mother walked into the room, peering over her shoulder. "What are you doing, Isabel? You should be doing your homework," she yelled.

"Just a minute, Mom. I'm almost done," Isabel replied, quickly snatching her notebook away before her mother could see what she had written.

"Your such a failure you'll never amount to anything if you cant even do your homework."

Isabel nodded not paying attention, her gaze fixed on the page. Once her mother had left the room, she went back to writing. "Sometimes even my head betrays me," she wrote, "because it keeps making me feel shitty."

She closed the notebook and opened her textbook, but her mind wandered. She thought about the weight that seemed to crush her chest every day, the exhaustion that made it hard to get out of bed in the morning, the nagging sense that nothing really mattered. She tried to push the thoughts away, but they always came back.

After a few hours, Isabel finished her homework. She then went to her brother Jeremy's room to say goodnight to him as well, but he was too preoccupied with his video game to pay her much attention. She left feeling more alone than ever.

Isabel went to the bathroom to get ready for bed, and she couldn't resist the temptation of the razor in her drawer. She took it out and removed the blade, sliding it across her skin. It was a release, a brief moment of peace in the midst of the chaos that filled her mind. But she knew it wasn't a healthy coping mechanism, and she felt ashamed. She quickly wrapped her arm before leaving the bathroom.

She climbed into bed and opened her copy of "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian," trying to lose herself in the story. But she fell asleep quickly, exhausted from the weight of her thoughts.

When Isabel woke up, she was disoriented. She wasn't in her room anymore, but on a beach. She sat up quickly, heart pounding. "How did I get here?" she muttered to herself, feeling a creeping sense of panic.

Before she could do anything else, something hit the back of her head, and she blacked out.

Authors Note: Hey guys if your reading this your actually awesome thank you so much!

please comment on the story don't be a ghost reader

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