Chapter one:

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Third person POV:

Dream was nervous, obviously. He got accepted to be the royal prince and his friends caretaker! He hoped they weren't brats. He heard a lot about them, though, and he had no doubt they were.

They've never kept a caretaker for more than a month, and even the best of the best quit. The royal family was desperate, and despite offering ALOT of money, no one wanted the job. However, Dream was stubborn, and after his brother bet he couldn't fix the kids, he couldn't not, at least try!

Besides, he loved kids, and kids loved him back! He was known around the village for helping random single and teen moms to take care of their kids, and he was great at his job, so it was no surprise that as soon as the king heard about him he was immediately contacted.

The king may have been very rich and powerful. However, he wasn't cruel. He would not use his power or status against anyone to make them watch the kids, and that was very well known and why he was so loved around his kingdom.

Dream knocked on the door of the kings office nervously, their was two guards behind him that had picked him up from his home earlier that day.

The door opened soon after, and phil dismissed his guards before he invited Dream in. Dream, of course, accepted the offer, walking inside and fiddling with his hands. " Hello, your Highness. Pleasure to meet you, " Dream said nervously, bowing at the older man, causing him to chuckle.

" No need for the formalities, and the pleasure is mine. " Phil said with a soft smile, and dream finally understood why Phil was so liked, he was very kind and it was hard to believe he was lady deaths angel, and that he was very dangerous, but then again tommy hoped to never get on his bad side and see him truly angry.

" Follow me. " Phil said, leading a dream out of the room and into the hallway. Soon, they reached a large room, and when they were  opened, Dream noticed all the eight small toddlers inside.

" I'll be right down the hall if you need me, sorry to leave so soon I have a meeting, if you need anything tell the maids and they'll give it to you! " Phil said quickly before rushing down the hallway before dream could reply. Dream smiled nervously at the kids who stared back.

" H-hi... " Dream said nervously, chuckling to himself. Tommy was the first to stand up, and immediately afterward, all the other toddlers stood up, as if following their leader. Dream tensed, and chuckled nervously. " Who are you? " Tommy asked. That was the only one dream knew, and it's because he's the prince.

" Uhh.. Your new caretaker? " Dream replied hesitantly. Had Phil not told them about him? " Why do you wear a mask? " A slightly taller boy asked. He had brown hair, blue eyes, and ram(?) ears? Dream wasn't quite sure what to call it.. " Take it off!! " Tommy suddenly demanded.

Dream chuckled nervously, " D-do, I have too? " He questioned, and suddenly the boy with half black half white hair had appeared in front of him, and he heard a quiet " Yes.. " That sent shivers down dreams spine. He awkwardly nodded and hesitantly took it off.

Immediately, they all gasped, and he heard tommy quietly whisper, " So pretty... " causing Dream to blush in embarrassment. Dream had a ruby red eye and an emerald green eye as well as clear soft skin and freckles all over his face, so pretty was an understatement he was buetiful.

If tommy didn't know better, he'd say Dream was a girl. He was very pretty like that. " Be my girlfriend. " tommt blurted out, and the older children immediately became jealous, however not because of dream but tommy. Normally, they'd be simps for tommy, but Dream was so buetiful.

It wasn't like how they loved tommy. the dream was different. He had a good face and personality, not that Tommy didn't have either of them, but dream was different. He wasn't as social and was so different, but at the same time, the same. Dream chuckled nervously,           " Uhh, okay? " He replied hesitantly, unsure how to react. At least they were terrorizing him?

He wasn't quite sure what was worse, them being in love with him or terrorizing him? Suddenly, tommys older brothers and their friends walked into the room and dream visibly paled and quickly covered his face with his mask again. Tommy smiled brightly, grabbing Dreams hand and bringing him over to Prince wilbur and technoblade before introducing them.

" Dream these are my brothers, technoblade and wilbur. Techno, wilby, this is dream he's my girlfriend. " He explained happily before leaning over to them and whisper, shouting very loudly. " He's gonna be my wife soon. He just doesn't know it! " And immediately after hearing this, all the older kids began to laugh.

" No, he's my girlfriend!! " Tubbo yelled, and that seemed to make a chain reaction cause immediately everyone else began to argue and say dream was theirs too, all except clementine, micheal, and shroud. This just seemed to make the boys laugh harder, and dream blushed bright red underneath his mask.

" Girlfriend, huh? " Wilbur questions, a teasing smirk on his face as he stares into dreams mask, causing the younger to blush even redder

To be continued..
Word count: 908

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