--Chapter 2

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towards the boys.


All us boys sat on the couch waiting, Niall had been gone a long time I could hear footsteps I jumped up to see Nialls Big blues eyes all red and puffy, I hated seeing Niall cry.

" Is everything okay Nialler".

"Yah", He gave me a fake smile I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and pulled him to the couch I could tell he really liked this girl and he genuinely cared about her. 10 minutes later I heard small, light footsteps coming from down the hall the rest of the boys we're focused on the TV I got up and walked into the hall I ran right into the girl Niall was talking about.

"Oww", I looked down to see her on the ground.

"Oh I'm sorry love", I swung my hand out to help her up but she just flinched back.

"PLEASE DON'T HURT ME", She yelled out she thought I was gunna hit her.

"Don't be scared love Me or the other boys are not gunna hurt you, I promise", She removed her hands from her face I held my hand our slowly showing her I was No harm.

"I'm Liam Payne nice to meet you", I pulled her to her feet.

"Hello Liam I'm Shannon", I smiled down at her.

"Come on love the others wanna meet you".


Liam had my hand and was pulling me to the living room I was really nervous I didn't know what the boys thought of me , Did they think I was a slag? Or a attention whore?, And worst was i going to be able to trust them?

I walked in too see Niall sitting On the couch, there was a blacked headed boy with a quiff, On the floor sat a curly headed boy with green eyes , Beside him was a tan skinned boy with strips on and glasses.

"Boys i'd like you to meet Shannon", They all looked at me I hated being the center of attention.

"Hello", they all called out I flinched and stepped back.

"Guys don't scare her the first time you meet her", Liam yelled at them I just laughed.

"It's okay", The curly haired one walked up to me.

"Hello, I'm Harry the hot one", He gave me a grin and two dimples appeared I poked them, We all started laughing.

"Heey it's true", He struck a pose like a super model. The blacked haired one came over.

"Vas Happenin', I'm Zayn the sexier than Harry one". He gave me a cute smile.

"Vas happenin' ?", I looked at him confused, The boys just started laughing at me.

"Whats a Vas happenin'?", I asked very confused.

"Just a saying", Zayn told me than the boys with the stripes jumped over the couch causing me to run behind Liam for protection.

"Louis, Stop", Niakk yelled being protective.

"Sorry love didn't mean to frighten you, I'm Louis as you see I'm the LOUD one", I peeked from behind Liam, Louis held out his hand I grabbed it and he spun me around like a dancer I stumbled knowing me I'm a clutz but before I could fall on my ass and embarrass myself Niall caught me.

"Thank you Nialler".

"WOAH", He looked shocked.

"What do you not like being called that, I'm sorry". I frowned at him.

"No that's just what the boys call me, Where did you hear that", He grabbed my chin and lifted up so I could see his beautiful blue eyes I blushed.

"Oh umm I heard Liam saying it, I like it", I winked at him he blushed which I thought was the cutest thing ever.

"So what do you guys wanna do", Harry asked.

"How about a movie", Louis said.

"Sounds good too me", I flopped down on the couch Niall sat on one side of me and Liam on the other, Louis went and picked out "The Avengers" and put it in the DVD player and sat next to Harry I tucked my legs up not very comfortable.

"Are you okay, S".

"Ya just not comfy yet", He than wrapped his arm around me pulling closer I rested my head on his shoulder, It seem late it was really dark outside all I could see we're the dim lights from the post outside all the boys were staying the night so they went and got some extra clothes I think they were talking about a twitcam or something whatever that was. I Guess I drifted off to sleep because I woke up and Niall was gone and the boys haven't came back , I got up might as well get some pajamas than I remembered that I barely had any clothes only a few pairs of pants and shirts.

"NIALL, NIALL where are you", I yelled , He ran out thinking something was wrong I was guessing he was in the middle of changing cause he didn't have a shirt on only trackies.

"What's wrong".

"Nothing I was just wondering if I could borrow one of you're jumpers.

"Ohh ya sure love", he walked towards his room I was admiring his body it was perfect he had little freckles all around.

"Here you go", He handed me a black Adidas jumper.

"Thank you tomorrow I will have to go back home to get the rest of my clothes", Thinking about home made me mad and Sad".

"you're not going alone I'm coming", Was he crazy I'm not letting him come.

"NO what if my father catches you it's too dangerous NO Niall I'm going alone".

"Shannon No what if he gets you, Please let me come", I looked deep in his big blue eyes.

"Fine", I didn't want Niall getting hurt I pulled his jumper over my head messing up my hair I walked to the bathroom to re-do it when I heard knocking.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

I ran to the door cause Niall was now in the bathroom I swung the door open to see a large man standing there he looked at me with shock not knowing who I was he grabbed me pulling me into the hall I screamed out "NIALL, NIALL" but it was too late.



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Sorry it took so long to update :( but I'm going away this week so it may be awhile till I update again but I'll try <3

Thank you for reading xo

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Twitter: @Janoskianza

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Jskwinwidvidb bye <3

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