Chapter 13: Magical Britain

Start from the beginning

- Death of Barty Crouch Sr.

- Voldemort's resurrection

- Slandering of Harry Potter on the Daily Prophet


[Generating Quests]


[World Quest #1: Bye Tommy!]

Defeat Tom Marvolo Riddle or help the chosen one of the profecy do it

Destroy the horcruxes (1/7)

Destroy Tom main body (0/1)

[World Quest #2: Prison Exorcism]

Use the light magic from DxD to destroy the prison of Azkaban, along with all dementors and prisoners.

[World Quest #3: Parallel Troll]

You are now traveling into a parallel world, and by mere chance you look similar to the teenage Tom Riddle. Troll the main characters in a way that would make Zelrectch proud.


[Generating Boon]


[The host has received [Special Magical Wand]]

[[Special Magical Wand] has been added to 'Inventory']

-[Special Magical Wand] x1: An ornamented pitch black wand that allows the host to use whatever spell he wants just by saying or thinking the incantation. This wand is only usable in the Potterverses.


Well, there goes my plan of killing Voldie before he can cause havoc.

The first mission is something I was already expecting, so no surprises there.

The second one is easy enough, I just have to use my false Rhongomyniad when there are no guards, but I will wait till Tom is back just to see his reaction when he recieves the news. Though is interesting to know that my world light magic can destroy beings that are considered inmortal in this place.

As for the third one, heh, if I really look like him then I have a wonderful idea.

I put on the [Six-leaf Clover] around my neck and change my appearance a bit. I make myself older, around my would-be early twenties, and change my hair to dark brown with a short elegant cut. Finally, I change my eyes color to blue-gray, I don't want wizards to have a heart attack when they see my red eyes.

I also spend 500 SP in something very useful, not only for this world but also for others I go in the future.

-[Background Customizer] x1: A blank document that creates any fake background for the host, while making the necessary minimal changes to accommodate the chosen scenario. It can be used only once in each world.

So, with a few words written in the document, I'm now Freed Thomas Gaunt-Black, son of Tom Marvolo Riddle and Bellatrix Lestrange née Black, born in 1974 because my "mother" was jealous that her blood-traitor younger sister had a daughter before her, while I don't even want to know what her master was thinking.

After she gave birth, "I" was sent to live with a witch in France named Amanda Selwyn while they were occupied, but the first war ended and, under the false surname Sellzen, I attended Beauxbatons and later graduated with the highest grades. My caretaker later passed away and left me the key to the Lestrange vault, courtesy of my "step father" Rodolphus that wanted the best for the son of his lord.

As I finalise my background, I start planning. My first course of action will be destroy as many horcruxes as possible.

The locket is easy. I just have to go to the Black ancestral home and ask Kreacher for it, and with me being the "son" of Bellatrix, the heir Regulus dead and the former heir Sirius disowned, for him I'm technically the sole inheritor of all Black properties and money, therefore his new master.

Luckily this is the book canon, or at least something very similar, so things that appear in other fanfics, like lordships of noble and ancient houses or inheritance tests at Gringotts don't exist here.

The next step would be go to the goblin bank and use the Lestrange key to retrieve the cup.

I didn't include having the key in my background, but I guess that Rodolphus is really devoted to his lord. Still, if I didn't have the key, I could have just enter the vault under disguise and with the help of the ID.

The ring is the most dangerous, because I don't know what enchantments are in the Gaunt shack apart of the curse in the ring. But with [Game Dearg +], I don't think the task will be difficult.

The diadem will have to wait till I can go to Hogwarts without alerting Dumbledore, and even then I will spend hours till I can even find the object from among all the junk in the place.

Nagini can be killed easily, while Harry Potter is a more complicated matter.

He is not an horcrux, as he was not created willingly, so he just has a piece of Riddle's soul attached to his scar. I'm sure some magic from DxD can remove it, so I guess I have to study.

For now, I'll begin with the cup.

I enter an empty dungeon and fly to London. Once there, I walk through Charing Cross Road till I find the Leaky Cauldron. I enter the pub and go directly to to Gringotts, where I talk to the teller as I give him the key.

- Greetings teller, I would like to enter my vault.

He looks at the key and then at me with wide eyes, I don't know if it is due to recognising the Lestrange Simbol or because of he hearing me speak in perfect Gobbledegook thanks to [Universal Language].

It's weird to speak it, specially when I have to produce rasping sounds in the back of my throat, but it doesn't bother me, it feels like I've been talking this way all of my life.

He calls for another goblin that leads me to the wagon. After a while, we get out of the vehicle and we travel through the caves by foot. We arrive to the vault just after passing beside the chained dragon with the help of clankers.

As I enter, I see lots of gold and silver coins, potions, jewels, armors and even skins of different creatures. On top of a set of shelves full of goblin-made artifacts I see a golden cup with two handles, some jewels embed into it and an engraved badger on the side. This is clearly Hufflepuff's Cup, so I store it in my [Inventory] and, after taking some money, I leave the bank.

Back in Diagon Alley, I enter the pub again and rent a room for a night. Through some talk with the bartender, Tom, I managed to discover that more foreigners seems to be coming because of the Triwizard Tournament, so me appearing here will not raise any suspicion. I train a bit in a empty dungeon and go to sleep.

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