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13. Defeat

Battle after battle I saw new dawns

Tainted with the blood of the innocent

And the guilty altogether;

No remorse, no silent weep of sympathy

From the survivors of a deadly sin

Against humanity.

I saw men fall and women ravished,

I saw children sold to foreign countries

As slaves, as savages, as animals

That feed the hunger of almighty Men

Who sought advantages in every trade,

Those who see no further than this mortal life,

Annihilating the rest of their kind.

And they seek solace in palaces and great halls

Filled with those they find to be convenient company.

Who whats what from whom and how is it given?

Squashing skulls they think they are forgiven

From the torments of this life
“Better them than me” is what they’re thinking

When they justify the merciless slaughter.

If we could only try to see a little bit ahead,

Just a glimpse would be enough to change this world,

For extinction is where we’re heading.

So pick up your axes and horns!

Let them know you’re still breathing,

Make a statement of your own,

Seek your place in the greater scheme of things

And retreive your soul from what you’ve kept silenced.

Stop hiding yourself, show them who you are,

For soon the time will come

When all that is will be no more.

All shall come undone.

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