Chapter 2: Getting Adjusted

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A few hours later, both Aggro and Leyla started to wake up. And almost immediately they started panicking.

"Why do we look almost like each other! And why is Aggro human?" Leyla nearly shrieked upon seeing Aggro.

"Why are you asking me?" Aggro deadpanned, before covering her mouth and cautiously looking down at her now human hands.

"Uh, ok, this isn't normal!" Leyla continued panicking. "What in the name of night furies did the spikes do to us?"

Cloudcatcher, Summer, and Storm all glanced to one another with equal looks of unease.

It was Cloudcatcher who stepped in and picked up the now struggling fire dragon in between her jaws.

"Hey! Put me down!" She continued to struggle but Cloudcatcher's grip held strong.

"Not until you've calmed down little one," she replied back in a calm and motherly voice.

"Who are you calling little!?" Leyla growled in a low tone. "I'm not little!"

Cloudcatcher sighed and shook her head in amusement. "I didn't mean that as an insult young one, so please just calm down and I'll put you down."

Leyla slowly nodded and stopped struggling.

"Sorry about that, I overreacted didn't I?"

Summer shook her head and gave her friend a reassuring smile. "It's alright Ley, I would have done the same thing if I was turned into a human."

The water dragon giggled and turned to face Aggro. "How are you so calm?"

Aggro tried to shrug but was rewarded with a face plant into the dirt.

She sat up and spit out the dirt. "Yuk! That was less than pleasant." She grumbled under her breath.

"So we can change between human and dragon at will?" Aggro asked, watching as Leyla learned to fly while she learned to walk human by leaning on Summer. "The others are going to tease us so much."

"Not if we keep it secret," Summer said, wincing as Leyla face planted at the base of the cliff they are on.

"Considering how bad at flying she is. That would be useful," Aggro said before leaning over the cliff. "Hey! You're supposed to flap the wings together not one at a time!"

"The form is still new," Cloudcatcher said with a small chuckle. "She'll learn how to fly pretty soon."

"Yeah I know, but it's just irritates me to see a Fire Fury so bad at flying," Aggro sighed before yelping when she tried to turn around bbn only to fall down the cliff.

"Aggro!" Summer yelped, leaping off the cliff to catch her but being too slow due to the shock, before laughing when she saw that Aggro was okay, but had been caught when Leyla looked up and began to speak only for Aggro to land but first in her mouth.

It was a funny sight; her head was sticking out from between Leyla's front teeth, her arms sticking out the sides and the legs next to the teeth in front of head. While her butt was touching the base of Leyla's throat while Leyla's tongue went from Aggro's butt between her legs, and up the front of her body to the bottom of her face. And when she kept trying to pull herself out the saliva made her slip back in.

"How in the name of Nóttu did you manage that?" Summer asked, grabbing Aggro's new hands and pulling her out, seeing she was soaked in saliva.

"No idea!" Aggro said as Leyla blushed at the pleasant taste. They then spent several more hours getting used to their new forms and figuring out how to shift before getting the hang of the basics as Cloudcatcher and Storm left for safer pastures.

"So now to get home," Summer said with flick of her tail in the direction of the Roost.

"Hey Aggro can I carry you?" Leyla asked. "I want to see if i can do it."

"What about the others?" Aggro said, causing Leyla to think. "We can just say I'm a Fire Fury named Inferno, while your a human named Narumi, we're from a far away island that asked for us to learn to be rescuers from the Rescue Riders while Leyla and Aggro went back with them to make sure things are okay. Sort of like an exchange."

"That might work," Summer agreed, causing Aggro to get her saddle off her dragon form and attach it to Leyla.

"Summer, you better fly nearby and be ready to catch us if Leyla falls," Aggro said with a soft sigh. "I don't want a bath if we fall in the water and this is her first time with a passenger."

"I won't Narumi," Summer said before flying above them and cheering. "You can do it Inferno!"

And so she could as they made it to the Roost where they met the others.

Upon landing at the Roost, Narumi hopped off Inferno's saddle and stood next to both her and Summer.

"Woah! Who are you?" Dak was the first to speak upon regaining his voice and recovering from the shock.

The three girls gave each other knowing looks before explaining the story that they had come up with.

"Oh, ok then, thanks for letting us know." Winger told them with a nod of thanks directed at the three girls. "So, Narumi, you're Inferno's rider?"

The red-hired girl nodded her head and patted the fire dragon on the head. "Yup, we've known each other for a while now." She replied back with a friendly smile.

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