How he puts your daughter to sleep

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Harry: "(y/f/d/n)" (your future daughters name) "yes daddy" "you should be sleep" "I can't sleep" "ok" he grabs his curls and puts it over his top lip to be a beard and put on a horrible American accent she eventually falls asleep

Niall: "bed time (y/f/d/n)" "I don't want to daddy" "but you have to" he picks her up and put her under the covers he grabs his guitar and starts to sing weird songs about animals she giggles and falls asleep

Liam: you sent your daughter to bed along time ago and came down stairs to see her sleep on Liam's lap while toy story plays "what I sent her to bed hours ago" "she couldn't sleep so we watched toy story"

Zayn: "(y/f/d/n) come back here you need to go to bed" he yelled as he chased her down the stairs "no daddy no" he chased her around the counter and finally caught her "you need to put on your pajamas you remind me of harry" he said he took her and put on her pajamas and tells her all the funny stories from there tour and she goes to sleep

Louis: "(y/f/d/n) bed time" "no" "don't you say no to me" "no" "(y/f/d/n) bed time now or I will make you eat carrots" "fine Daddie goodnight"

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