My Never-Ending Love For You

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'Okay, bye, love you too!' said Tong Yao, ending her video call with her boyfriend, Lu Sicheng.

When Tong Yao ended her call with Lu Sicheng, she instantly checked the time. The time was 10:38 PM. 'Perfect. I have plenty of time!' said Tong Yao to herself, grabbing Da Bing and shoving her face into his soft, white fluffy fur from happiness.

Lu Sicheng was staying over at his house to deal with his Mom kicking his dad out of the house again. Although Tong Yao was sad that his boyfriend wouldn't be sleeping beside her tonight, Tong Yao was still in a good mood. The only reason she was still in a good mood was that now that her boyfriend wasn't sleeping with her tonight, Tong Yao could stay up as late as she wanted. Especially since tomorrow, they had a free day, which meant no training matches etc. Usually, Lu Sicheng would make... sorry, not make, FORCE Tong Yao go to bed no later than midnight(this only happens when she does decide to stay up to continue playing ranked games), but since he was staying at his parent's house for the night, he would never find out that she stayed up past midnight.

'Hmmm. What should I do first?' Tong Yao said to herself, looking around her room, wondering what to do first. After thinking about what she should do for a few minutes, Tong Yao finally decided to continue reading the fan fiction stories she's been reading from the latest drama she's watched. She gets up from her bed, grabs her laptop from her desk, switches off the lights in her room and hops into bed. As soon as she feels all comfy and snug under covers, she places her cats beside her, opens her laptop, connects her AirPods to her laptop, puts her AirPods on and starts reading the fan fic stories while listening and vibing to her music.

Lu Sicheng looks up at his bedroom ceiling, trying to get himself to fall asleep. He turns his body around to cuddle up with his girlfriend, forgetting that she wasn't beside him tonight. Usually, Tong Yao would be sleeping beside him, but tonight Lu Sicheng had to return home to deal with his parents again. Lu Sicheng lets out a sigh, tossing his body around again. He missed his girlfriend, although they had talked on the phone a few hours ago. Lu Sicheng grabs his phone from his bedside desk and checks the time. 1:17 AM. Lu Sicheng unlocked his phone and checked his contacts to see if anyone (especially if a certain someone) was still online. Everyone was offline; to Lu Sicheng's surprise, so was his girlfriend. 'Maybe she's finally started listening to me.' chuckled Lu Sicheng, smirking at his phone. He switched off his phone and looked again at his bedroom ceiling. That's when Lu Sicheng decided to get up from bed and return home. He missed his girlfriend too much.

When Lu Sicheng arrived back at ZGDX's base, the time was now 1:48 AM. As Lu Sicheng entered through the front door, he quietly closed the front door, trying his best not to make too much noise. He carefully tiptoed up the stairs and quietly entered his girlfriend's bedroom, closing the door. When Lu Sicheng turned around, he saw his girlfriend reading something on her laptop, all snuggled up in bed, with her back turned to Lu Sicheng. He saw Da Bing and Xiao Cong sleeping peacefully in their cat beds. Lu Sicheng carefully made his way to Tong Yao's bed, got into bed and then noticed that she had her AirPods in her ear, which explained why she didn't hear him enter. Lu Sicheng slowly took an AirPod out of her ear and said 'boo!' in a low but teasing voice. When Tong Yao heard that sudden 'boo!' her whole body vibrated in shock and surprise, almost dropping her laptop on the hard floor due to the sudden shock she had just received. She immediately grabbed her laptop from slipping off the bed and placing it on her bedside desk. She turned around to glare and lecture the person who had just given her the fright of her life, but when she turned to see the face of this ruthless person, her face instantly looked confused.

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