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"ermm fakhri..aku nak tanya" syazreen called out his name

"ape dia?"he asked

"kau nampak kahar?" she asked him as he looked like he's tired of syazreen asking for kahar

"ish kau ni dari haritu lagi...kahar kahar kahar kahar" he said

"ermm takpe la nanti aku cari dia sendiri..dah jom pergi kelas" she said and walked further leaving fakhri behind as fakhri ran to her and walked beside her

when both of them got to class syazreen immediately ran to naim's desk as she saw naim's arm

"weh naim asal lengan kau ni?" she asked worriedly

"takde ape pun aku terjatuh" he said making syazreen looked at him

"kau fikir aku bodoh ke taktau?" she said as naim just sighed

"aku tertoreh tangan aku time nampak benda tu" naim said

"haih ni mesti kerja kahar" she said as naim looked at her

"kau tau? bukan ke kau tak sedar ke time tu?" he said

"aku bukan tak sedar..mamai je so aku dengar semua benda yang kahar cakap tapi aku ingatkan dia main main je" she said still checking on naim's arm

"kau minum jugak ke teh madu tu?" he asked as syazreen calmly nodded

"aku minum jugak..aku pun nampak benda tu" she calmly said

"tapi kahar yang ada ngan aku time aku nampak benda tu" she said again

"memang betul kahar tu sayang kau.." naim said

"weh asal harini ramai tak datang? dorang semua ponteng ramai ramai ke?" she asked

"tak..semua kat bilik rawatan.. harini ramai yang sakit muntah muntah" naim replied as syazreen immediately got up from her seat and ran towards the door

"weh kau nak gi mana?" he asked

"bilik rawatan!" she shouted back

syazreen arrived at the sickbay and is shocked seeing all of the form 4s some of them are throwing up some even blacked out

as she scanned the room she spotted ayam

"weh yam kau ok ak ni?" she asked as she sat on a chair beside him

"aku dari pagi ni ulang alik bilik air" he said

then fakhri came bringing ayam's things to bring to the clinic

"nah yam barang kau" fakhri said as he gave the things to ayam

"eh fakhri asal kau tak ada pape do orang lain semua barai kut" ayam said

"kau tula minum tak beragak semalam" syazreen said

soon after,kahar brought hakeem in the sickbay which caught syazreen's attention

she immediately got up from her seat and ran to kahar

"weh aku cari kau dari pagi tadi kut.. kau gi mana?" she asked

"aku teman si hakeem ni..dari pagi tadi duduk kat tandas dah macam rumah kedua dia dah" kahar said

"lah hakeem pun? kau? kau ok?" she said as she cupped his cheeks checking him everywhere

"haih aku okeyla" he said as she sighed in relief

"nasib baik kau ok" she said as kahar chuckled

little did syazreen know fakhri was watching her and kahar laughing together with burning eyes (macam naruto)

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