The purple flame

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Saitama, Zombieman and Badd were all in saitama apartment, Badd complaining about how he kept getting calls about having to beat up monsters the other day, and Saitama telling them about what aisuru did the other day as well.

"Honestly, I'm surprised Aisuru could even beat a monster, what was the threat level again?" Badd said.

"I believe from what it did to genos it should be a demon-level threat, but yeah the fact that she could do that even though she is only 8 years old is really impressive, it is like child emperor he is only 10 but he is stronger and smarter than any other person." Zombieman said.

*child emperor? Guessing he's another S-class hero.* saitama thought.

The three heroes heard the front door open and turning they see Genos enter the apartment.

"Oh Genos you're fixed!" Saitama said

"Yes master, I see metal bat and Zombieman are here as well," Genos said.

"Yep, oh Genos I need to ask you something, know the other day right, I had this weird feeling in me the other day after Aisuru told me what she did, do you have any idea what that is? Saitama asked

"It sounds like you are fully becoming a dad!" Genos said.

"Yep, sound like you are starting to get that mindset a dad has for their kids, basically saitama you are becoming a proper dad, instead of a forever babysitter!" Badd said only to get confused looks by everyone in the room.

"What?" Badd asked

"Really? A forever babysitter, you could have called him a caretaker?" Zombieman said.

"But he is correct, your feelings are changing from, ok I guess I'm looking after some kids to these kids will need me no matter what, but you are far from getting the full mindset of a dad, where they are very protective of their young kids." Zombieman said

Saitama looked at them seemingly deep in thought, he was then interrupted by the sound of three phones going off, the three S-class heroes looked at their phones to see that the hero association are calling them because of a meteor coming right towards Z-city.

"Oh crap we better go and try and stop this thing!" Metal bat said getting up

"Yeah, we should probably go, saitama we might need your help, well I doubt metal bat and I can't do much, but maybe you, Genos, Aisuru or buru could do something about it." Zombieman said

"Yes we should!" Genos said getting ready.

"Ok I'll get ready and get the kids, Badd you wouldn't mind staying here and looking after Chita since I don't think she can do much even though she isn't a hero?" Saitama asked

"Sure, since Zenko is here as well I don't mind looking after them until you guys come back!" Metal bat said.

Saitama nodded and got the kids.


Saitama with the kids on his back, genos were getting to the hero association Z-city branch by jumping towards it while zombie man was running as fast as he could, saitama thought he saw something so he had to stop.

"Um, da... Why did you stop?" buru asked

"You two go ahead I think I saw something." saitama said going towards the thing he saw.

The kids looked at each other and just decided to try and get there.

Genos arrived to see an old man with a hunchback and a bushy moustache.

"Ah you must be genos, the recruit I'm bang." sliver fang said introducing himself

"You must be sliver fang, S-class rank 3 you possess a large number of skills, the association called me in" genos replied.

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