Walmart. (Kay flock)

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This is gonna be a freaky story...



So I was on my usal trip to Walmart or whatever.

Well to be honest this trip wouldn't be usal....

Y/n would walk into Walmart.


I'd scroll on my notes app to see what I needed.

I was getting stuff for me and my friend's girls night out which would be tmr.
10 mins later..

I had already gotten our cupcakes and strawberries.

I headed onto the isle the wine was on

I was trying to figure out what kind to purchase due to the fact I've never drunk any acholic beverages before.

"You should get that strawberry Moscato." A male with a deep and raspy voice said behind me.

I turned around to see this beautiful angel from above or so I thought..

I turned around to see this beautiful angel from above or so I thought

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

"You sure how does it taste?" I asked

"It's like strong but sweet , you'll like it" he said holding the bottle

"OH thank you" she said smiling

She continued her walk through the use she had headed on to the back bc she wanted to buy a phone case.

She turned to see him.

"Are you following me?" She asked

"What I gotta follow you fa?" He said in a aggressive tone

"Alright." She said walking away.

He followed her into a vacant corner where nobody was near.

He saw her texting someone on her phone.

"The fuck.." she said when she looked up at him.

"Look what you want." She said

"Was yo problem wit me ma?" He asked backing her up in a corner.

"Nothing, my fault about ealier." Shecsaid truly

"Better be, Lil a ho" he said walking away

"Nigga who a hoe?!"she said walking up on him.

He then slammed her into the shelf.

"Chill yo ahh out before you get hurt." He said in a low but deep voice

She pushed him out the way and went to go push her cart away.


She was just walking to her car and she heard someone behind her..

She turned and saw nobody.

She got to get car and right when she unlocked the door she felt a cold hard metal against her head.

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