She was watching when Mei Ling fell and had been pushed one second after she landed on Long Hui. She could see that Long Hui did not hold back his strength when he pushed the woman until her head hit the table there.

"Don't blame others about this. You are the one to bring this on yourself." Yu Qi said to the woman.

Yu Qi looked at the other flight attendants that also watched the situation.

"Take her and treat her wound." Yu Qi asked them.

The flight attendants were startled as they heard the woman addressed them. They quickly lifted Mei Ling and brought her away.

They brought her to the other room. They performed the first aid. The wound looked bigger than they had thought after cleaning the blood. However, they felt that she deserved that.

They already warned her about the consequences doing something like that. But she never took the advice. So, when something like this happened, they did not think that the man was wrong.

Someone would be startled if something fell on his laps. With her motive like that, they could said, 'Serves you right'.

Both man and woman just now were people that they must not offend since they could not afford that. Well, people that could use the private plane must be someone either they were rich or they were important people.

Yu Qi went to the bedroom. The water falling from the shower could be heard. Long Hui probably was not done yet. After 15 minutes, Long Hui came out with the towel on his waist. Her eight packs were very enchanting.

Yu Qi felt her throat had dried. She swallowed her saliva.

Long Hui saw Yu Qi doing that, he smirked.

Chapter 772 - 772: Above The Sky

***This chapter contained R-18. You may proceed if you want. Don't be angry at me if something happened.***

Long Hui slowly approached Yu Qi. He leaned over, near to Yu Qi's right ear and whispered in his deep voice.

"Do you like what do you see?" Long Hui asked.

Yu Qi felt his deep voice was like a devil's whisper that wanted her to do the bad thing. Once again she swallowed her saliva.

"Stop doing that." Yu Qi faked the cough.

"Doing what, hmm?" Long Hui pretended that he did not know anything.

"Seducing me!" Yu Qi glared at Long Hui.

"Oh, really? But how am I seducing you?" Long Hui chuckled.

Long Hui went to the bed and laying aside while his hand supported his head. This position was making Yu Qi crazy.

She did not know whether Long Hui had improved his seducing technique or whether she became less immune to Long Hui's seduction.

"Come on... I know you like it." Long Hui smiled again.

Yu Qi snapped out. She got up and sat on Long Hui's stomach. Long Hui's flashed an excitement.

Yu Qi smiled while licking her lips. "Hui, you look so delicious."

"Well, I am happy if you decide to eat me right now." Long Hui offered himself to be eaten.

"Let's experience how making love above the sky." Yu Qi smiled.

Right after that, Yu Qi attacked Long Hui's mouth. Her tongue moved playfully in Long Hui's mouth. His tongue moved along hers.

Yu Qi released Long Hui from her kiss.

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