Lesson 9:What Did I Do?

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Maya's POV

I can't believe he dragged me to Riley's house. He already annoyed Hanna. Don't start me.
When we got there we both just watched her angrily but we couldn't for long because she is my baby girl even if she's 16.
"What do you want to do to me now dad?"
"I'm sorry ok."
"Mom told you to say that."
"Yeah but I-"
"Save your breath"

Lucas's POV
I picked her up and put her on a chair.
"Where is he?"
"Jake! Get out here."
I really didn't want to do this but if she wanted me too. So be it.
"I'm sorry for kicking you out."
"And?" Hanna said
"And for not making you feeling welcome?"
"Thanks Mr. Friar."

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