"Billy? Jesus, you scared me." Sidney said, moving back to stand beside Thomas.

Stu suddenly appears behind his black-haired boy. "Dude. What are you doing here?" He said, winking towards Billy, stopping himself from smiling when Tom leans on his body comfortably.

"I was hoping Sid and I could talk." Billy said, leaning on the doorway.

"If Tatum sees you- she'll draw blood." Sidney said, crossing her arms.

"You guys can go up to my parents room?" Stu said, placing his hands on Tom's shoulders as he leaned his chin on his head. "To talk and...whatever."

"Subtlety, Stu. Look it up." Billy said.

"It's okay. We need to talk." Sidney said, grabbing Billy's hand and leads him up the staircase.

Randy appears from the kitchen just in time to see Sid and Billy disappears upstairs. "What's Leatherface doing here?" He asked, standing beside the two friends.

"He came to make up." Stu said, rubbing his hands up and down Tom's sides and smiles when he feels him shivers slightly against him.

"There goes my chance with Sid." Randy said.

"Like you had one." Thomas said making Stu laughs as Randy turned to him with an offended expression.

~ ~ ~

"Look, here it comes." A teen said, watching the TV.

"The blood's not the right color. Why do they do that? It's too red." Another teen said.

"Here comes another..." Randy said.

"Predictable. Knew he was going to bite it."

"How can you watch this shit over and over?"

"Shh." Randy shushed, head turning to look at Thomas who is cuddling onto Stu's. Well, more like Stu is cuddling Thomas as he had placed Thomas onto his lap.

"I wanna see Jaime Lee's breasts. When do we see Jaime Lee's breasts?" Stu asked, letting Tom fall asleep on his chest comfortably.

"Not until Trading Places in '83. Jamie Lee was always the virgin in horror movies. She didn't show her tits till she went legit." Randy said.

"No way."

"That's what she always lived. Only virgins can outsmart the killer in the big chase scene in the end. Don't you know the rules?" Randy said.

Stu finishes his beer, letting Tom change his position on his lap making him straddles his waist and placing his head on the inside of his neck. "What rules?" He asked, pleading his mind to not put those images and thoughts about his friend again.

Randy hits the pause button on the remote and stands in front of the television, explaining. "There are certain rules that one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror move. For Instance. One: You can never have sex. The minute you get a little nookie- you're as good as gone. Sex always equals death. Two: Never drink or do drugs. The sin factor. It's an extension of number one. And three: Never, ever, ever under any circumstances, say I'll be right back."

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