Making an Escape from Knowhere

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Long ago, in 1919, on the planet Earth, a brilliant scientist from the Essex Academy was working on a way to evolve beings by artificial means. He had studied the founder’s theories on evolution. Through trial and error, he succeeded. At the 1929 World’s Fair, he displayed his genetic alteration device. Unfortunately, his work was seen as disturbing and profane. Enraged by the small minds of his peers, the scientist took his work and vanished without a trace.

In the present, a human was kicked out of a bar on the space station Knowhere. His name was Peter Quill, self-appointed leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy. He was running for his life from some Kree mercenary with a plasma rifle. In Quill’s hand was a black box that was so dark no light reflected off it. He kept a tight hold on the object.

“Rocket, I knead you to get rid of this guy!” He shouted into his communicator.

On one of the streets, there was a small furry creature building a turret from nearby scrap. His name was Rocket, the engineer of the Guardians of the Galaxy. The wily little being was a cybernetics experiment that had escaped from his cruel creators. He had heard Quill and took his communicator out of his pocket.

“Don’t worry, Star-Munch,” he replied as he put the finishing touches on his creation. “Lead him to me. I’ll stop him.”

Quill ran toward Rocket with the Kree on his tail. Rocket activated his weapon and set its targeting system to shoot the mercenary chasing, but the foe made quick work of it. With one shot, a hole was burned through the turret and blew it up. Rocket quickly ran into an alley, abandoning his teammate.

“Rocket bailed,” Quill informed the others through his communicator. “Drax, time to rock.”

Drax was waiting next to a food stand, the place he was instructed to wait. The greyish-green-skinned Kylosian with red tattoos was the muscle of the Guardians of the Galaxy. He was from a savage world of warriors now wiped out. His loyalty had belonged to his family and his tribe, whose name roughly translated to “Dragons of the Moon.” One evening, a Chitauri spacecraft crash landed in the mountain forest while Drax was hunting. His curiosity got the best of him and he accidentally activated a long range beacon. He inadvertently summoned the Chitauri warlord Baldeón, better known as the dreaded Warbringer. He was knocked unconscious by a Chitauri footsoldier and awoke to find his world barren. Seeing himself as the one who brought death upon his people, he dubbed himself “Drax the Destroyer.” It is his hope to find Baldeón and kill him as vengeance.

Drax responded to Quill, “I see no rocks. Was I supposed to throw one?”

Quill ran past Drax as fast as he could. Drax saw the Kree chasing his friend. The mercenary was a heavily armored Kree female. Her armor signified her as being a strong and a lieutenant. She also ran past him, but all he did was watch and contact the others through the team communication network.

"Quill is being hunted by a Kree female," he informed the others. "He must be greatly ashamed by this."

"Wouldn't be the first time he ran away from a broad," Rocket quipped.

"If you're both going to be unhelpful and abandon the plan, I think someone should at least try to stop her!"

As Quill tried to escape across a catwalk, his jade-skinned ally kicked the Kree in the head, sending her falling until she crashed through the hull of a mining vessel. This teammate was Gamora, the daughter of the deceased intergalactic madman Thanos. She betrayed him and began fighting against him. Since then, she has become the fierce warrior of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

The team regrouped at their spaceship, the Milano. It once belonged to the pirating syndicate called the Ravagers, of which Peter Quill was once associated. The ship was now the home of the Guardians.

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