She stayed quiet for a moment and then sighed.

" my god, he's home. I have to go Harry."

Before I could even protest, she hung up the phone. I slammed my phone down, cursing under my breath. What the actual fuck? She sounded so scared and I want to help her but I can't if she hangs up the fucking phone. This girl is scared of something and I get the feeling that it's this boyfriend that lives with her. I stormed out of my office in search of Anna. I found her with Sammy and Grace in the stock room. I smiled, not knowing what to say. I didn't want to mention this to Grace. She acts so weird every time I talk about Emma. I don't want her to get the wrong idea, like I care about this because I have interest in her. That's not the case at all. I do care about Emma but I have no interest in her. I just don't want to worry Grace because really, she has nothing to worry about.

"Hey sexy." Grace said playfully.

I put on a smile for her even though I didn't want to.

"What's wrong?" she immediately asked.

Damn, she can read me like a book. Shit. What the hell am I supposed to tell her now? The truth? Hell no.

"Nothing. I just screwed up an order. I fixed it so it's nothing for you to worry about."

Technically, that was true. I did screw up an order but that wasn't what I was upset about.

 "Oh...well I love you."

"I love you too baby."

"You guys are gross." Sammy muttered.

"And where's your man?" I asked her.

"Uh. He went for a run."

"You didn't want to go run with him Sam?" I teased knowing that she hated running with a passion, despised it even.

She playfully flipped me off and I returned the gesture. Ever since that night at the bowling alley, we'd gotten along...slightly.  Better than usual, at least.

Grace laughed at our childish behavior while she looked through Anna's phone, probably looking at those dumb fucking texts from Niall. He fancied Anna so much. The dude had called me like five times talking about her. I was happy for Anna though. She deserves a guy that will treat her right and for now, that guy is Niall.

"Harry, can I talk to you...alone?" Grace asked, her face blank and expressionless.

Oh shit, is she onto me? Does she know that I was lying about that screwed up order? I nodded and grabbed her hand, pulling her into my office. She sat down on top of my desk and I stood in front of her. We were almost the same height with her sitting down.

"What is it Grace?"

"Um...Liam text me today and I knew that I should tell you. I didn't want to keep it a secret from you. I know you would be upset if you found out I didn't tell you."

Way to make me feel good about keeping this Emma thing a secret. Damn.

 "What did he say?"

"He wants me to go hang out with him and Louis tomorrow night?"

My body uncontrollably stiffened becoming very overprotective. I don't know that Louis guy. I don't like this. I don't like it at all but can I prevent her from going and even if I could, should I?

"Just him and Louis?" I asked.

"Yes. Harry, he told me that we could hang out but it had to be on his terms. If I don't go, who knows when I'll see him again? I might not so I really want to go. Don't you trust me?"

Stay Mine? (A Sequel to Be Mine?) || Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now