Chapter 11 Part C

Magsimula sa umpisa

"Leave me sir." I said.

"No cadet. You have to listen. "He said and I turned around. "At that time, you were my cadet and I was your teacher, and you didn't know this was a lover's point...I didn't want you to come here with me when you felt nothing..." He said and ran his hand through his hair. I could tell he was irritated, but I at that point I didn't care. The fact that he lied to me, hurt me bad for some strange reason. He gripped both my shoulder and said "It is different now" I threw his hand away from my shoulder and said "what is different, Tell me captain what is so different between then and now"

He took a deep breath and said "I love you dammit" 1000s of butterflies flew in my stomach and blood rushed to my cheeks, but I don't let him see that as I wanted to make him pay for lying to me.

"You could have said that a little more nicely, Na" I said my voice full with sarcasm. 

"Cadet Singh, if you let anyone speak than they will be able to talk to you properly, but no. When you start talking, you just keep going like a parrot" He said with slight irritation. 

"I am a parrot. OK, so don't talk to a parrot. I am leaving" I said and turned around to leave. 

"Naina" I heard him say in a soft voice and unable to ignore his soft call I turned around and saw him in one knee. I mouth hung open.

"Naina You came to my life as a tornado. You opened up all those pages of my life that I had never been able to share with anyone. You taught me how to leave your past behind and look to your future." He said and got up from his knees and walked up to me. "We have shared laughed, jokes, hopes, dreams, but most of all we had a chance to wipe each other's tears." He turned around, so his back was facing me. I could see him taking his hands to his eyes to wipe out his tears. I wanted to hug him and wipe his tears, but for some reason I seemed to be frozen in place. He looked toward the sky and seemed lost.

"Before you there were two people I truly loved. That I truly thought as my own. Naveen and Lala ji. But Naveen is no longer with us and Lala ji..." He stopped mid-sentence. He turned around towards me and placed his hand on my cheeks. "Naina what I feel for you is unlike anything I have ever felt, to be honest sometimes this feeling scares me as it is so strong and so new, but every time I see your face, your big eyes, and your smile, all the fear floods away, and the only thing I can remember is that I cannot live without you." He once gain looked in my eyes. "If I ever had a chance to go back and change the way we met, change how we kept secrets from each other, our hate, our anger I would not change anything. I would not eyes change that time I got separated from you, because it is those small moments, those fights, and those distance that made me realize that I am incomplete without you. I don't know how or where, but I fell in love with you Naina" He said and turned toward the sky. "I LOVE YOU NAINA" He screamed facing the sky, which brought a smile to my face. He turned back toward me and said softly "I really do" I wrapped my hand around him and my face landed in his chest. A smile was on my face and tears were flowing out of my eyes. I could tell he was also doing the same—-Smiling and crying—-. I slowly came out of the hug. He wiped my tears and said "No Naina, I can't see tears in your eyes."

"There is only one way to secure that I never cry again." I said. "Anything" he replied. I moved my hand forward. "Promise me you will never leave me again, because you have no Idea how I have lived the past months, away from you. I need you, not want, but need you Rajveer sir. You are my hope, my dream, my strength, my mentor, my world. Promise" he placed his hand on mine and said "Promise." I than turned toward the sky and screamed "I love you Rajveer Singh Shekhawat" I turned toward him and in a soft voice said "I really do" I hugged him once again. At that one moment I had the world at my fingertips, because I had my love with me. All of our problem ran away, and I knew deep down that together we could do anything. Wrapped around in his big strong, yet soft arms, I felt the safest and the happiest. That day even the gods and the haven were happy and they showed their happiness with rain.

—-Present Time—-

I cuddled against Veer as he wrapped his hand around me, but something felt different, I ignored that feeling, and said "Thank you for coming in my life" He softly kissed my cheeks and I waited for the butterflies in my stomach and the goosebumps on my body to come, but no butterflies nor goosebumps came to me. Something was different, something was not right. I got up from the couch and walked out the room.

My note

Sorry for the delay, but Friday was the last day of school and I don't have to go back until August 10th, so that means more updates. Next update is tomorrow. Yes tomorrow, but let me warn you the next chapter is the complete opposite of today's so hold your hears as you read tomorrow's update, but it even surprised me as I was writing it. I already have the next chapter ready, but I wanted to get all your thoughts on the chapter before I post the next chapter. Also I have another Idea for a FF on mind. It is not a RN but a LRL fan fic. It is going to be about a girl who is "related" to Naina and Rajveer. She come to kma TO PROVE Rajveer and Naina innocence, because they are hated in the army world. Why How. That will be explained in the story. This girl turns Naina friends' (who are now senior officers) lives upside down. Oh and it will also include the rest of the cadets children. If you this this will make a good FF than comment it below so I can start on it. I will talk to you all tomorrow.

Lots of Love


Rajveer Naina-Rebirth of loveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon