Part I - Chapter VI- May 23rd - Sunday

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~Warnings for mentions of dry heaving and cursing.


The nearest Starbucks is about five miles out, but it sure as hell beats the shitty hospital coffee shop or the machines in the mess on base. It's not real coffee, and Theresa could easily make herself something better at home - with her better equipment and three plus years of experience; but she's tired, she's got to deal with more people, and if she doesn't get her caffeine now she's liable to explode.

When she parks the Bronco in the only spot left in the lot - a handicap adjacent spot parallel to the front window - she notices Natasha Trace, aka Phoenix, standing near said window, watching the Bronco pull in. She also notices her face fall when she steps out, because of course she was expecting her father. It's his car.

Inside there's enough people to field a football team. She weasels her way to the counter, trying not to touch anyone in her germy scrubs - which, in turn, becomes impossible. She steps behind the three-person line, surveys her options, and sinks into routine.

"Hi. Can I get a venti iced latte with half white mocha and half sugar cookie syrup?"

"Sugar cookie is a limited time flavor," the barista snaps back. Theresa is taken aback but remembers to sympathize. Internally, she's cursing herself. She knew sugar cookie was a Christmas thing.

Damn, she pinches the bridge of her nose. "Yeah, sorry about that. Uh... how about caramel. Half white mocha and half caramel?"

"And will that be all for you?"

"And uh..." Theresa finds the haze of exhaustion starting to hang heavily over her head, making it harder to think. "Just one of those bacon egg bites."

"That'll be 12 dollars and 87 cents."

Theresa surrenders her card, only half there, and fishes around for a couple bucks in her little lanyard wallet thing. She takes the card, sighing, and barely registers the prompt for a name.

"What's your name?"

"Uh... Theresa." she murmurs, eyeing a tall table against the window in the sun. The barista jots it down, and Theresa shambles over to the table, hoisting herself up into the seat and leaning back against the window. The sun is warm against her back, gently washing over her with a warmth that makes her understand why cats like laying in the sun on cold days.

"Well, well, the nurse in her natural habit."

Theresa groans, closing her eyes as she shifts in her seat. "Nooo. I just escaped from that zoo."

"Bad night?"

"No," Theresa admits, her feet throbbing dully. "Just tired."

"¿Algo interesante?" [Anything interesting?]

Theresa sits up slightly, blinking wildly, fumbling with her words.

"No me recuerdo." [I don't remember.]

" ¿No puedes recordar, o no puedes decirlo?" [Can't remember, or can't tell me?]

She responds sleepily. "Si te lo dijera, tendría que matarte." [If I told you, I'd have to kill you.]

Phoenix chuckles, leaning against the chair and resting her arm along it's back. She brushes against Theresa's arm. She barely notices. "¿Confidencial?" [Classified?]

Theresa nods. "Carol!" One barista shout. A middle-aged white woman in a nice dress approaches the counter, takes her drink, and storms out in a huff, going on about how she'll be late for church.

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