Chapter one: spell bound

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(Change of plans! Evergreen stayed in Arcadia and already knows magic and shapeshifting! Sorry folks. Continue)
*9 centuries ago*
*Evergreen' pov*
I was walking in the hall, on my way into my father's study. And the moment I stepped in my father, Merlin, was already giving my lover, Douxie, a 'speech'.
"Magic is mastery over life. Learn how to live and I vow your days of pushing brooms will be over."

*9 centuries later*
It was dark outside as I swept the streets of Arcadia.
(Fun fact, Arcadia is a place in Indiana)
As I walk around I can hear the rustling of the leaves on the trees and the echoes of my own steps against the cold concrete. I took a moment to look at the stars and thought about my friends who are in the castle with my father. He may not have to much hospitality, but that's all they will get out of him. But my father is to great in too many ways to be expected anything out of. I walk past the cafe and see the lights are on. I see a boy with black hair and indigo tips sweeping the floors. Douxie... I haven't seen him in awhile, but I decided to stay hidden. I'll talk to him another day, I have work to do, and I have a feeling I'll run into him soon. I continue walking and then I see some friends of mine.
"Toby! Arrrgh!" I happily yelled running up to them
"EverGreen!" Toby yelled back, he was the first one to hug me
"Short Queen!" Arrrggh said, hugging me
"Hi, Arrrgh." I said softly and warm heartedly
"And me!" Steve said "I'm here"
I looked at him, faking a grumpy expression to trick him. Then when he frowned, I walked up to him and hugged him
"I'm glad to see you to, Steve." I spoke happily, smiling
He chuckled and hugged back
"What are you doing? Something Awesome?" Toby asked excitedly
"No, nothing actually. Just taking a walk." I giggled at his enthusiasm
"Oh." He sighed, less excited
"But talking to you guys is pretty spectacular! And if something is spectacular, it always counts as awesome in my eyes." I spoke happily, hoping it would cheer him up. And it worked, he gave a big toothy grin and big happy eyes
Then a cat came out of nowhere and scared me and Steve. I then recognized him, Archie.
"Ooh, hey, little guy! You lost?" Toby asked
"Beware, you, you are in grave danger!" He warned
"Whoah! A cat with glasses!" Steve yelped
"The cat just talked and you're focused on it's eyewear?"
"I've seen aliens, creeps, and trolls, Domzalski. So yeah, I'd like to know why the talking cat's wearing glasses." Steve explained
"Bad eyesight." Archie responded
"Not cat. Familiar." Arrrggh said
"Familiar." Steve chuckled "no way. I'd remember if I met a cat with glasses."
"No. Wizard assistant." Arrrggh explained
"Assistant? That's very offensive. I am a wizard associate, thank you very much." Archie scoffed as he hoped down from the wooden plank thing
"Hi, archie." I waved and smiled
"Ah! Hello, Dear Lady Evergreen." Archie greeted before walking off and finishing what he was about to say
"Now, come with me or the worst will come to pass." Archie got on his hind legs
"Hey! Are you threatening me, pussycat?" Steve spat with venom, with his fist up
I gave him a glare and elbowed him. He then nervously scratched the back of his neck and dropped the attitude.
"No, I'm warning you. Put simply, the world as you know it is about to end. " archie explained walking off, he had his back face ing toward us but then turned his head around to say one word, "meow."
Then Archie ran off and
"Wha...." Toby awed, trying to process the previous events
"Aw, not again!" Steve whined before yelling so loud he could wake the whole world
* short time skip because this is when the intro starts *
"Sorry, this is a lot to process!" Toby apologized "pets can talk? The world is ending? Again?"
I put my hand on Toby's shoulder to try to comfort him. I felt bad that such young children had to undergo so much stress. And had to hold the responsibility of saving the word, that must have been a lot of weight on their shoulders.
"Not the best timing, I know, but we need your help all the same." I heard a familiar masculine voice explain
I looked up and saw him. Douxie. I felt his amber eyes land on me for a second, then focus on the whole group again.
"Douxie? Wai—— hold up! I thought you worked at the cafe or were, like, a model or something." Steve asked
This made douxie and I chuckle.
"There is a lot about me you don't know." He charmed, then making a small ball of magic with his bracelet, making every one awe.
I giggled a bit
"For example," he said "she's my girlfriend."
I jokingly rolled my eyes as the group turned there attention to me as Douxie opened the door
"It's true." I chuckled as Steve looked back and forth between me and douxie
"Come on in, then. The answers to all your questions are within." Douxie opened the door letting us in
"Yeah, right. In a bookstore?" Steve doubted
"You'd be surprised, Steve." I said giving a toothy smile
"Ah! There's flying books." Toby dragged his words in confusion and awe
"Whoa!" Steve awed
Then toby said 'oh my gosh' about 7 times, then with 'so cool' fallowed by it about 2 or 3 times
"Ooh, what's that?" Toby said picking up a floating object
"Put that down!" I heard a old angry voice yell, my father. I thought he was in the castle with Jim Claire and Blinky.
Steve then yelped in fright
"Thank the ether you're here. We haven't a moment to waste." My father exclaimed
Then toby laughed out of excitement
"Whoa! Crust, creepy dude!" Steve said
I then elbowed him, then he looked down at me confused
"That's my father!" I whispered
Then he gave a nervous and sympathetic look, scratching the back of his neck and nervously chuckling.
"Though I had hoped for more, hisirdoux" my father disappointedly spoke
I gave Douxie a sympathetic smile, I know deep down he tried his best
"I tried. I couldn't fin the changelings or the aliens. I pretty sure most left the planet." Douxie explained
After douxie stoped speaking I felt his amber eyes gaze upon me once more. I slowly turn my head to look back up at him. Then our eyes met each other for the first time in awhile. Then I felt him grab my hand. But we were interrupted by Toby's yelling
"Merlin, it's me—— Toby Domzalski! You know, war hammer, Guardian of Arcadia, Geology Club president." Toby yelled
"No one could forget you, chatty." My father sassed off
"And Steve palchuck, Creepslayer!" Steve added himself in
"I have no idea who you are." My father stated
I noticed my father hasn't detected my presence, and this made me rather sad. But I felt douxie's grip on my hand tightened, that made me happy again.
Then Steve got hit in the head with a flying chest, making him yelp
"But we're desperate, thankfully, we have the brute." My father praised Arrrgh
Then we all looked at him and saw him sniffing Archie, then the power of Arrrgh's sniffing sucked archie in his direction
"Yum!" Arrrgh stated
"I'm not anybody's lunch. Got it?" Archie angrily spoke, scratching arrrgh's nose
Then poor Arrrgh held his nose and nodded his head. I walked over to arrrgh and pulled a small strap of sticky gauze out of my pocket and placed it on his nose. Then he bowed his head in respect and hugged me. (I'm not sure if I mentioned this. But evergreen is the Guardian and queen of all trolls, I just thought I would say that unless if I never said it before.)
"Wait, where's Jimbo and Claire? I thought they were with you." Toby asked
"Answers forthcoming. Make preparations. We've a journey ahead. And don't..." my father was cut off by douxie
"But, master— —" he stuttered
"But master, me." My father spat at douxie
"But... are you sure you want to count on these children? They're clearly not ready for this." Douxie went to go fallow my father
"Excuse me, collage dude, these children fought off a 50 foot extraterrestrial!" Steve scoffed, and while making motions with his arms, he knocked off the head of a knight and armor stand and caught its head. Then he was getting pulled on by the stand and Toby tried to help him
I then got bored and decided to play with a small ball of magic. Then I saw Archie and picked him up, gently scratching behind his ear.
"Ah, you always know the right places to scratch and pet me, Dear Lady Evergreen." He purred as I held him like a baby and stroked his soft black fur
"Master, I'm ready for this." I heard douxie say
I put Archie back down and pull a cat treat out of another one of my pockets and gave it to him.
"Doubtful." My father negatively spat
"I've spent years preparing, centuries——" douxie was cut off by my father
"Silence!" He said
Then I heard something
"I mean, silence, all of you. Can you not hear that?" He asked
Then arrrgh shook his head
Then the rumbling sound got louder. Toby pulled out his war hammer and I changed back into my Elf looking form. I summoned a small ball of magic again, getting into a defensive position.
Then the shop when dark and strange things started to happen
"Something wicked this way comes." My father said
Then douxie got his bracelet ready
I walked over to the window to join my father and douxie. We glared out the window and I sensed a jump scare coming. Then when it happened, it scared my father and douxie but I remained unfazed
"Shadow mephits! Hisirdoux, did you lead them here?" My father snapped at douxie
"No, no! I mean, I don't think so?" Douxie nervously chuckled
"Yes, we did." Archie said
Then Douxie chuckled some more
"He found us. The barrier won't hold long. We must make egress! Tobias, take my things!"
I watched as the shadow mephits thrown themselves at the barrier, trying to break it. Then one slipped through.
"All of you, to the roof!" My father instructed
But I stayed with my father
"Hisirdoux, I said get to safety. Wait- Evergreen? We're you here the whole time! And here I was praising the troll. Ugh- both of you, to the roof!" My father finally noticed my existence
I knocked back a few mephits
"I'm not leaving you!" I stated
"Ive got this. I can help." Douxie reassured
My father groaned
"Still trying to earn that staff, are you?" My father asked
Us three were now back to back. I blasted balls of magic from my hands and they glowed pink and green.
"Yeah. I've learned a thing or two since we last met." Douxie said
"Use the flux Rune second. It's stronger." My father said to douxie as we walked up stairs
"All right! I knew that!" Douxie stated
I took the opportunity to kiss him on the cheek. I saw him blush heavily
"Yeah, I missed you to~" he said to me, still blushing
"Douxie!" Archie yelled, he was surrounded by mephits
"Arch!" Douxie yelled
Then he made a magic rope and saved him
"I'm fine. No need to worry." Archie said
Then me and douxie ran up the stairs
Then I saw douxie get his bracelet ready for another spell, then he took the flames from the candles and used them to make magic fire
"Fire?" My father said angrily. I had the same thought as my father though
"Yeah. Magic fire!" Douxie pridefully exclaimed
"In a bookstore?" Me and my father said in perfect unison, but of course I didn't sound angry like he did
"But mephits are vulnerable to fire——" douxie tried to explain his reasoning
"Move it!" My father said pushing him
We ran up to the roof and i summoned vines to throw the mephits off the roof
"Woah! I knew you were magical, but not that magical!" Steve said
"Get back!" My father demanded as he took out his magic ship in a bottle
"Ship just got real!" Steve said
"Everyone on!" Arrrgh yelled tossing Steve on
I jumped up on my own. I had a lot of special gifts and talents I was born with, especially jumping. I could jump many miles up into the air.
Then my father hoped on his chest and flew up, jumping down onto the ship and his staff going into a special whole that would activate the ship. Then douxie got on and arrrgh hung off the ship on one of its sides, me Steve and Toby pulled on him to help him up and douxie shot down the mephits on his back. After they were off of arrrgh douxie helped up pull arrrgh up, and we finally got him in.
Then me and douxie spotted a dark figure that the shadow mephits jumped into, disappearing into nothing.
"Boy...girl...." The figure spoke fully getting our attention
He then slashed his sword and dagger like objects came flying at us
"Look out!" My father yelled
The dagger like objects hit the bottom of the ship and one of them hit me in the shoulder, cutting in deep, another cutting my cheek. I fell to the floor, hiding my injured shoulder and cheek
Then my father used his staff to steer the ship and get us out of there.
We flew at high speed and I watched as the three friends were enjoying the ride
I stood up, gripping my shoulder. I'm sure nobody noticed me gripping onto myself in pain, which relieved me. I didn't want anyone to know I was hurt. I took my hair and hid my cheek with it. I then hid the shard in my shoulder with my hand.
I then walk over to douxie and join him
"Welcome, young squires, to Camelot." My father said
"Camelot? As in ancient-old-people-times Camelot?" Toby said
I saw douxie's facial expression relax and become happy.
"Excuse me, I have a question. How is this castle flying right now?" Steve practically yelled
"The heart of Avalon. It's magic keeps Camelot aloft, powered by time itself."
"As long as the heart is there and working, it keeps the castle afloat." I said
"Exactly, my dearest daughter." My father said
He turned to smile at me, and I smiled back
Then we flew up
"Sir Galahad, how look the skies?" My father asked his good friend, Galahad.
"All quiet, my old friend!" He yelled back
"Keep your eyes on the horizon." My father told us
Then we zoomed, diving down
"I say, coming in a little hot, don't you think?" Archie yelled
"Rubbish!" My father said
I laughed at this
Then we were in the castle
"Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!" Steve yelled
"Whoa!" Toby awed
I chuckled
"It's been 900 years since I was last here." Douxie chuckled
"Never gets old, huh doux?" I said
"Never!" He exclaimed and we both laughed
"It hasn't changed a bit, except the flying part." He said
"900 years? Yeah, right. Your like, what? Like, 19? And she's like, 17!" Steve scoffed
"Give or take a few centuries." Archie said, jumping up and shifting into his cat-dragon form
"So, how many things can your cat turn into?" Steve asked
"Depends how many things are there?" Douxie said
"Uh, cool floating castle ship, but what's the grave danger you keep talking about?" Toby asked
"Ah, there you are!" My father said as Claire and blinky walked into view
"Claire!" Toby yelled
"Toby!" She yelled
"Blinky!" Arrrggh yelled
"Arrrggh!" Blinky yelled
"Claire, Blinky!" I said running up to them
"Evergreen! You to! Best day ever!" Claire happily said hugging me
"Ah, my queen!" Blinky bowed
I hugged him, and he hugged back with all four arms
Them we had a group hug
I made sure no one saw my shoulder by covering it with a big chunky scarf I had
"Not so tight." Claire said as Arrrgh tightened his grip on us
"Oh, sorry." He said
"Whoa, hey, Steve's here, too! Ho bout—— how bout some love for Steve?" Steve said running up to us
"Oh. hi Steve." Claire said to him, not really caring
I went up to him and hugged him. No matter how mean or rude kids are, I still love them. All of them.
"What happened to you guys? Wait, where's Jim?" Toby asked
Claire then sighed
~time skip because there is a transition leading to a new place in the episode~
"Jim..." toby said
The boy was frozen in some sort of stone.
"What happened to him?" Toby asked
Then blinky told us what happened
"Master, is that the same knight we saw at the bookstore?" Douxie asked
"One and the same." My father said, "that onyx shard is working its way towards his heart. I placed the boy in stasis, stalling its progress... for now."
"If I had my shadow staff, I could have saved him." Claire blamed herself
I put my hand on her shoulder and hugged her
"It's not your fault, Claire." I whispered to her
She looked sad, but nodded her head
"Who is this green knight? How do I get my hands on him?" Toby asked angrily
"I do not know. The green knight said one name, which chilled me to the bone. Morgana"
"For all we know, he could be an innocent man under mind control. It's best we find out his identity before we do anything to much." I said
"Fair point, dear daughter." My father said
"Oh, I hate that lady. Wait, I thought we kicked her bee witch butt to the shadow realm." Toby said
"Which he appears to not know, but he bore the emblem of Camelot." Father stated
"I sense that it's going to be someone who we would never expect... I can feel it" I said
I rubbed my right temple to try and concentrate on who it might be.
My father soon caught on to what was happening
"Everyone! Silence! She's might be able to figure out who he is. She needs to focus." Father shushed everyone. And the room went silent before i knew it.
I felt myself levatate off the ground a little. My eyes started to glow as a saw visions of memories of the knight. A few of them were with the arcane order, others were at Camelot. I saw flashes of mental pictures
"They're familiar with Camelot." I said
"What else do you see, my dear child?" Father asked
"They have high ranks. Maybe they are noble, or come from an honorary family." I said
My head started throbbing but I still kept going. I felt blood run down my nose, but I still continued with the mental images
"They work for the arcane order!" I tried not to cry, due to my pain
I was now many feet off the ground, high up in the air
I felt everyone watching me, even though I couldn't see it.
My head felt like it was being hit with bricks. My nose now had a river of blood coming down it
"Evergreen! It's okay! Stop before you overwork yourself! You could get hurt!" Father yelled at me
But then my mind focused on something else. I felt a dark presence coming our way. Then I lost focus and fell to the ground. Maybe a five foot drop. It's a good thing everyone stood back whenever they saw me go afloat
"Daughter!" My father rushed over to me, helping me up
"I'm okay, I'm okay." I reassured him
Then I felt douxie run up to me and help me stand
"Thanks, doux." I said, he gave a soft smile and kissed my uninjured cheek
"Whoa, flying castle and flying Evergreen?" Steve said
"what were you doing?" Claire asked
"I'm able to sense many things. Coming of danger, small glimpses of the possible future, or glimpses of the past. Im able to see small peaks of what is happening in the present, as well. I can also see into people's past, and their memories. Earlier I was sensing clues to who the knight might be." I answered
My father then remembered something.
"Come with me, quickly. I fear the answer lies In the past." My father said taking me,toby,douxie, and Claire to another part of the castle
"A dark menace is coming. One even I cannot face alone." My father said
When we entered the room, I went to the balcony. I sensed the dark presence again
My father glanced over at me to see if I was okay, and saw that I was. So then he continued explaining to the others.
Then, as I looked at the clouds, I saw a dark shadow and heard thunder.
Then I saw something hurling towards us
I stumbled back a bit, scared. Then I looked at my father and he looked at me
"They found us..." I said
Then we heard the bell, then the thing that was hurling towards us hit us and caused the tower shake, causing us to fall to the ground. I felt the Onyx shard go deeper in my shoulder and let out a whimper, taking off the scarf to look at it.
"You got hit?" Douxie asked me
Dang it! He saw the shard in my shoulder
"Shh!" I whispered "Don't say anything."
He frowned and furrowed his brows, shaking his head
"No, you have to get it out." He said
"What's happening?" Claire asked
"Have you never been under an attack before?" Father asked her grumpily " to the battlements!"
Douxie helped me up and we ran to the roof
Everyone was confused, then archie flew over to us
"I think we have something of a problem." He said
"Oh, fuzz buckets." Douxie said
I held his hand, like how he held mine before at the bookstore.
"No... the Arcane order..." my father mumbled "they found us."
"Everyone, get to safety, now!" My father  yelled
Douxie let go of my hand and I took a few steps back. Then skrel waved his staff casting a spell, then father cast one to try to stop it from hitting us. But skrel was to strong. The impact of the magic knocked us down and my father lost his staff. Unlike the others, I didn't need a magic relic to help me, I wasn't depended on a staff either.
I got up and I cast a strong beam of magic to knock the arcane order's socks off. They stumbled back a bit, but never fell. The pin I noticed Archie trying to get my father's staff, then I saw bellrock cast a beam of fire at him. They were doing quite the damage. Then both of the flying bases started shooting cannon balls at each other.
"Oh, this is going to be a disaster!" I said shooting magic balls at them
"We must flee!" My father yelled
"On it!" Douxie said, trying to steer the castle away from the arcane order
Then skrel shot another beam of ice, it connected itself to the castle
"They're boarding us! We must break free!" Father yelled "steer us clear at my command!"
"I'm on it!" Douxie yelled
I wasn't for sure what to do. I then saw my father with a woman around my size, she was wearing leaves and had green hair. Then it hit me, she was my mother. I saw her look at me. She gave a soft smile, and I returned it. I remember my father telling me about her note. She didn't want to give me up all those years ago, but she had to because bellrock and skrel had plans for me. Plans that could get me killed.
Then I saw her leave to enter one of the main power sources of the castle.
Then I looked behind me and saw douxie about to get hit with a beam of fire. But I jumped in front of him and shielded off the flames, using a force field
"Close call, I would have been toast if it weren't for you." Douxie said, taking hold of the steering thing again
"No problem." I say
"Hisirdoux, Now!" I heard father yell
"Please don't blow us up, please don't blow up up" douxie muttered
"We don't have enough power for the jump!" Archie said flying up toward our small group
Apparently Steve and Claire had joined me a douxie a Little while ago
"Trust in Merlin!" Douxie yelled back at him
Then I saw some sort of magic being used to power the generator
"Come on, hold together" douxie said
Then a beam of green magic came out of nowhere and opened a time rift
"We have to steer Camelot through the time rift!" Douxie instructed
Then all of us helped steer
Then in a quick flash, the arcane order and the green knight combined there powers to strike at Camelot, it hit the tower all of us were on and before we knew it we were hanging on to the broken tower for our dear life. Then, 'frozen' Jim fell into the rift
"Jim!" Claire yelled
"What do we do know man?" Steve yelled
"Trust me!" Douxie yelled, grabbing Claire's hand and dragging her into the rift with him.
Then Steve let go to
"Flying castles suck!" Steve yelled
I was the last one to fall in. I tried my best to stay on, I needed to help our friends, and my father. But there was nothing I could do.
"For the record, I always knew this castle would one day betray me!" I yelled as I fell
Then the portal closed behind me, just as I fell through
All of us were screaming, except for me. When I get scared sometimes, I lose my voice
"Oh, come on! Come on!" Douxie muttered
Then douxie used a force field charm
"This is gonna hurt!" Douxie yelled
Douxie kept casting charms so we wouldn't hit the ground and die
"It... dose... hurt!" Steve yelled, pausing every time he hit a shield/force field
Then we finally hit the ground
I landed close to douxie
All of us groaned in pain. Then Steve didn't realize he had his knight helmet on backwards
"I can't see! I'm blind!" He yelped in panick
Then he turned the helmet around
"Oh, I can see." He said relived
Then frozen Jim fell from the trees and onto Steve. When this happened Steve made a whimpering noise.
"What just happened" Steve asked
"Well, i conjured a anti gravity spell to slow our fall and keep us from dying. Your welcome." Douxie said a little angrily
"Douxie, where is the flying castle?" Claire asked, looking up at the sky. Then everyone looked up
"Oh, fuzz buckets!" Douxie cursed
I gulped, knowing what happened. Since we fell through the time rift, we were somewhere else in time.
"Well, it appears we've had ourselves a temporal accident." Douxie said
"Which means?" Claire asked, sounding worried
Then Steve whimpered and pointed behind douxie. Then when douxie looked behind him a sword was pointed at him. It was a knight
"Advance!" A man yelled
"Got them" another yelled
Then a whole bunch of knights appeared and circled us, slowly approaching us. Then all of us gasped.
"It means..." douxie trailed off
"We are lost in time." Me and douxie said in unison
"What manner of sorcery is this?" The man with the sword asked
"Oh—— oh, my..." Steve stuttered before screaming

( well, I hope you guys liked what I added on into the story. I will try to explain my character's powers a bit more in other chapters. But I hoped you liked the chapter and I hope it wasn't confusing... hey, but so far this is the story I am working the hardest on. I even have a word count of 4735!)

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

Idagdag ang kuwentong ito sa iyong Library para ma-notify tungkol sa mga bagong parte!

Douxie x oc readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon