page 9

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haa sebelum tu thankyou kepada insan insan yang memberi idea kat komen lurvee korang🫶

kalau ade tersalah grammar, spelling error dan pape yang berkaitan ngan benda benda ni boleh tegur kat komen jangan risau saya tak makan orang😪

mesti korang fikir aku ni banyak bebel en (memang pun) pape jela ok jom kita sambung page 9<3

all of the students in kudrat are busy packing their bags because sem break is starting tomorrow

syazreen on the other hand still sleeping after she ate with the high council gang at the dm..soon after, her phone started ringing showing that someone called her

she groaned in annoyance and picked up the phone

"hello?" she said in her sleepy voice

"tidur lagi ke cinta hati saya ni?"

realising that its kahar she instantly stood up in her bed

"kahar? asal call?" she asked

"kau tak balik ke cuti sem ni?" he asked back

"tak kot..aku malas do nak balik.. aku stay kat sekolah je" she replied

"oh.. aku nak pesan kat kau ni.. bila takde students en kat sini ade-"

"kau tak payah nak usik-usik aku la kahar" she said as kahar is laughing on the other side

"geng high council kau tak ada yang stay ke?" she asked kahar still laying on her bed

"tak kot..semua tengah packing packing bag ni" he answered

"time kat sekolah seminggu ni..jaga diri leklok.. kalini aku takde nak selamatkan kau everytime" he said which only made syazreen rolled her eyes

"haih.. kau cakap kat aku macam ni ibarat macam kau nak gi umrah" she said only to hear kahar chuckling at her

"tapi aku cakap ni serious tau" kahar said

"ye ye.. aku reti la nak jaga diri aku.. kau pun jangan nak menggatal ngan perempuan lain lak time cuti sem ni.. bantai kau kang" she said making kahar laugh at her sillyness

"haih.. jangan risau la cintaa saya janji yang saya takkan ngorat perempuan lain selain cinta sorang je" he said making syazreen smiled at his cute promise

"aih asal diam? uiii...haaaa blushing la tuww" he said teasing her

"kalau kau ade kat depan aku memang aku ketuk pale kau"

"ok la cinta, aku nak kena gerak dah ni.. hakeem kata bapak aku dah sampai.. byebye cinta hati saya..loveyou" he said while syazreen is just stunned because this is the first time kahar said something like that to her

"ye kau pun.. take care jugak.. jangan lupa rehat puas-puas, makan sampai kenyang.. loveyou too" she said the last 3 words slowly but still can be heard by kahar

syazreen decided to go down to the parking lot to watch kahar leave..just to see him

she quickly jumped off her bed and goes down the stairs towards the parking lot

as soon as she arrived, she spotted kahar with an old men in his 50's which she assumed is his father..kahar excused himself before running towards syazreen smiling

"asal kau turun?" he asked

"kalau ikut mood memang aku malas tahap dewa.. tapi aku turun nak pastikan yang kau sampai ke kereta kau tu" she said making kahar smile

"alolololo tomei je dia ni risaukan kita" he said while ruffling her hair

"dah dah.. eii tepuk kang" she said as kahar laughed at her cuteness

"lepas cuti sem ni kem bulan madu en?" she asked

"haah.. kitorang kena balik awal sikit.. jumaat dah kena balik" he said since the kem bulan madu is held on weekends

"ok aku betul-betul kena gerak ni kalau tak bapak aku auto jadi the hulk" kahar said while about to walk away but syazreen called him back

"kahar!" she called as kahar turned his head to look at her as she ran and hugged him.. tightly as kahar hugged her back while putting his head on her shoulder

"jaga diri leklok tau.. kalini aku serious" she said with some kinda sad(?) tone because she knew she can't even live a day without seeing kaha

"ye aku janji" kahar said while caressing her head

she hugged kahar so tightly as if this was their last meet.. she feels like kahar is her safe place

she broke the hug and smiled as she waved at kahar while watching him until he is out of sight..she closed her eyes feeling the way she already missed kahar even after just met him a few minutes ago..

"ala takpe seminggu je pun" she said calming herself down

"ok sekarang nak buat apa?" she asked herself and she noticed ayam waving at fakhri.. she then ran to ayam

"weh yam.. tak balik ke?" she asked

"kalini still belum boleh balik lagi..tiket flight nak balik sarawak mahal" he said as syazreen just nodded

"so kau tak balik la ni.. bagus la sebab aku pun tak balik" she said making ayam looked at her

"aku ingatkan aku sorang je..akhirnya! aku dah ade penemann!" ayam said dramaticly

"dah jom ah balik dorm..semua dah balik dah pun" ayam said as he walked away followed by syazreen

sorry kalini macam pendek sikit tengah busy lately😪

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