Amazing Spider-Man Volume 1 Issue 122

Start from the beginning

"Crap," Peter said

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"Crap," Peter said. His relationship with the police was rocky at the best of times. While they were warming up to him before the trip to Europe, that went down the drain as soon as Mysterio and his crew revealed his identity.

"I don't see any way for you to get out of this one without causing any commotion," Client pointed out.

"With how angry this me is, I doubt he will care," Peter responded.

"With how angry this me is, I doubt he will care," Peter responded

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They all winced at how Peter sounded. He sounded broken. As if a part of him had died with her.

"At least one cop is smart," Peter, as always, was being optimistic.

"True, but there are others around," Natasha said. "He can only stop them from causing a scene for so long. And eventually, the reporters will come, they always do."

"They have been through a lot together," Pepper realized

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"They have been through a lot together," Pepper realized.

"It is no wonder he is out for blood,"  Bruce commented.

"It is no wonder he is out for blood,"  Bruce commented

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