Jubilee noticed the darkening blue around him, its lilac streaks replaced by a return of faint red. "I'm sorry," she said quietly, understanding at last. "You only just lost Watari. I—I didn't even think about...about the added stress that doing something like that might put on you." Her eyes stung with moisture as she added, "We didn't even get to give him a proper funeral."

"Watari's remains were sent back to England, where he would have wanted to be buried," said L. "When this case is solved, and only then, will I give myself the luxury to visit his grave and mourn for him. Otherwise, his death will have been in vain, and I cannot allow that to happen."

"No," Jubilee agreed. "We can't." Briefly it occurred to her that his willingness to share the location of Watari's origin was yet another indication of his growing trust in her. Then again, Watari always did have a bit of an accent."If it's any consolation," she went on, "I'm pretty sure that I will turn out fine somehow, one way or another."

L didn't reply immediately. "Perhaps," he said after a moment. "But, be that as it may..." He eyed her sidelong. "A wise man once said, 'Do not test the Lord your God.'"

She snorted. "Oh, if we're dropping Jesus quotes, two can play this game. 'Nothing shall by any means hurt you.' Remember that one?"

He gave her another pained look. "Are you willing to put that to the test?"

"I thought all of us were, when we signed up for this case," she retorted.

He looked away, letting his hair hide his eyes. "But you didn't sign up for it willingly," he pointed out. "I gave you little choice in the matter."

"He finally admits it," she said with a smile. L didn't respond, and she let the smile drop. "Listen, L," she said, rolling her chair closer and leaning forward. "That was back then. Things are different now. Now, I'm willing to put my life on the line...just like you are."

He looked back up and met her eye. "Is that why you wrote what you wrote?" he asked quietly.

She looked at him blankly. "What?"

His expression softened slightly. "First Corinthians thirteen," he clarified.

She blinked, then flushed. "Ah, right. That."

He considered her for a moment longer, before quoting, "Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things...Love never fails." He paused, then added, "Watari used to recite that verse often. I believe it was his favorite."

Jubilee swallowed, feeling flustered all of a sudden. "It was well-known back at Wakahisa," she replied, forcing herself to sound nonchalant.

He measured her with a look. "You miss it there."

"I—" she faltered. "It's complicated. I'd...miss it here, too, if I left—I think," she finished quickly, looking away.

"Hmm," the detective intoned contemplatively.

There was an awkward silence, and she tried to think of something else relevant to say. "It was being at Wakahisa...with those kids," she blurted after a moment, "That...that made me first start to understand that verse." And being here with you that made me understand it completely, she thought, but would have sooner crawled into a hole than said it out loud.

Beside her Hellenos glowed more brightly, and it was suddenly impossible to miss the ear to ear grin on his face. She scowled. There was no mental privacy with guardian angels, was there?

Oh, come on, chuckled the angel. We ship you two.

You WHAT? she thought, aghast. Who's this 'we'?

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