First date

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(y/n woke up and found heeseung sleeping beside her she was just staring at him and he suddenly said)

"I know I'm handsome now sleep"he said and hugged her tightly

(Y/n got up from his grip and told)

"Come on heeseung we have to make invitations for everyone and..sent them"said y/n

"We're gonna just email it right it's an online invitation now sleep it's just 6:30 in the morning"he said and y/n laid back down and said

"Then what do we do today? Even i don't have work today"she said

"Let's go on a date?"he asked

"Where?"she asked

"It's a surprise now sleep I'm very tired let's wake.up at 9"he said and they both slept again

(Then y/n got ready for her date and she and heeseung were coming downstairs and Mrs.Lee said)

"Ohh going on a date i see enjoy kids"she said

(Y/n and heeseung got into the car and heeseung was driving so long and y/n whined)

"How long does it take~ it's like forever ~"she whined

"Just 10 mins more"he said

"You said than an hour ago heeseung"she said

(Then heeseung finally stopped at a top mountain view it was like a picnic spot with sheets to sit on)

"Woahhh!!!!"said y/n and admired it

"You already planned this?"she asked

"Kind of?..."said heeseung

(Then they both sat on the sheets and was admiring the view and y/n laid on heeseung's lap and was rubbing his hair)

"Hehe your hair is soo soft heeseungie"she said and chuckled

(Then heeseung asked)

"Ah ha that's why you were trying to touch my hair in highschool you would be so jealous when Annie does it"he said and laughed

"Hmp!"she said and got up from his lap

"Hey Hey I'm just kidding sorry"he said

(Then they both eat and talked about random stuffs and they went back to their houses)

(Rosie then came to y/n and told about joey messaging her last night and y/n too told joey in wedding hall)

"I'm scared y/n...what if she does something?!"said rosie

"No she wont just I'll take care now forget about her and focus on your wedding now..your dream is finally coming true rosie! Remember in highschool you used to cry bcz your moving away and Hyunjin will forget you but see did he? I made him not forget you"she said

"Yeahh i know...come on let's go and eat something I'm starving!!"said rosie and took y/n


"Omg my wedding is in 2 days?!"said Hyunjin

"Yeah hyung? What's so wrong about it?"asked heeseung

"It's just I'm so nervous about it and rosie was blabbering the joey girl from school is threatening to ruin the wedding?!"shouted Hyunjin

"Hyung seriously your a mafia and your scared of this?"he said and faced palmed

"I know heeseung it's just...she had done a lot of crazy things to love me now that she's back... I'm scared she'll hurt rosie..."said Hyunjin

"Hyung don't worry for now let's just focus now what about this dress is it good?!"said heeseung and continued

(Y/n was using Rosie's phone for something and joey messaged her saying that she'll come to the wedding and kidnap rosie and kill her)

"Seriously...i need to do something"said y/n

(All live together now just upto the wedding if you don't know)

(Y/n was getting ready for her work and was about to go down when heeseung blocked her way)

"Move hee i have to go i have an meeting today!"she said and tried to push him but he held her waist and said

"Seriously! You always say that!"he said

"Aren't you going to work too?! CEO lee heeseung? You should be at your company right your the CEO?! Did you forget again?"she asked

"Well i took an week holiday and i also gave leave for the clients"he said

"Well i have work now let me go!"she said and went away leaving heeseung dumbfounded

(Y/n then tried to track Joey's location from her company but she wasn't able to reach it)

"Ughh seriously!!! I've been trying this for 3 hours now! Maybe I'll just give up.. let's see what's she's gonna do"said y/n and came back to her seat and started to check files

(With joey)

"I know that rosie or her stupid! Bestie y/n will track down my location that's why i turned off my location hahah day after tomorrow is their wedding right hmm maybe kidnapping rosie on her wedding day will be good! Hyunjin will be standing alone! And I'll put a fake note saying rosie ran away from the wedding haha"she said and drinked her tea and went out of the cafe

"Great! I got it now"said a man fully covered in black suit

(He put a camera inside Joey's phone cover when she was in restroom)

(Y/n watching the man)

"Huh who's he?...why was he putting camera in Joey's camera sus..."said y/n and was staring at the man when he saw y/n and immediately got out of the cafe

"Phew she didn't notice me"he said and went

(Y/n walked out of the cafe to catch him but he already went)

"Fuck! Who was he?!"she said


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