Chapter 24

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Bellamy POV.

We was running from the grounders and Clarke had hurt her ankle and begged me to keep running. I couldn"t leave her. I didn"t want to leave her.

-Even how much you beg me Princees, I won"t leave you. Never!

-Run back to camp and I will come a bit after.

-No, Clarke!

-Lean on me and we can take it easy.


*Later this night*

We all was back at camp, Bellamy had take me to the dropship and stitch my ankle. When he was done with stitch my ankle he turned around and was on his way out of the dropship.


-Yeah Princess, what is it ?

-Can you help me back to my tent?

-Of course Princess.

When we were in Clarke"s tent she asked if I could stay. She didn"t want to be alone.

When we lay in Clarke"s makeshift bed she put her head against my chest. I kissed her forehead. I looked up at Bellamy.


-Yeah, what?


-For what Princess?

-For being here for me.

-I won"t leave you

She kissed me on my cheek, down on my jaw and neck. I turned around and kissed her back. For the first time we wouldn"t be interrupt. I smiled.

-What is it Bell?

-Your just mine now. I said and smirk


I kissed her neck and kept kissing her down her body. She started moan my name. I really loved her. We kept kissing and just lay there. I took off her clothes and she took off mine. She was so beautiful. Clarke rolled over and low on top of me. I squeezed my thumb on her back meanwhile we just low there. I enjoyed every single time with her. Every single touch.

Let Me Love You: Book 1 (Bellarke)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora