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Let's start with some HeadCanons before the actual stories

I have SO MUCH to share about these two

Let's begin:

How did they react to the realization that they were in love with each other?

🖤: we all know peepers,the moment he realizes he had fallen in love with somebody that is his "enemy"

He would obviously freak out,
Peepers had never fallen in love with anybody,so that was a new and a little scary emotion for him

It would be very difficult to him to admit he loves wander,especially with how lord hater hates him,and he would probably get fired if lord hater ever found out about such a thing

But the more time he spend with wander in secret,he learns to accept his new feelings towards him

Imagine the explosion of happiness that it was for him,finding out that wander felt the same way

His first ever love interest,and his feelings being reciprocated,it would be the happiest day of the little eyeball's life

Of course,he still had the fear of lord hater finding out
It wasn't everyday that he managed to sneak out and spend time with Wander without Hater noticing he was gone

But the watchdogs had it covered for him

🧡: Wander,on the other hand,would be oblivious about it at first,at first he thought that he simply liked Peepers company

But after a few more small hits let out by peepers (on accident) he realized that he was in love with him

Wander wanted to tell Peepers almost Immediately how he felt

Sylvia kept telling him that it wasn't a good idea,that peepers probably didn't felt the same and probably never would

The explosion of happiness coming out of Wander after finding out those feeling were reciprocated was probably the most happy Sylvia ever saw Wander

The thought of dating someone never really crossed his

Maybe because he was really oblivious and dense
Or because he had never felt like that before

Everytime Wander and Peepers had their secret dates,Sylvia always made sure Lord Hater was near by to ruin their peace

And the Watchdogs made sure to keep Lord hater from noticing Peepers wasn't present

Who confessed first?

I was a bit indecisive on the matter

But then,i asked that question to friend in a discord server

And the answer was:

They both confessed on accident
And that's a very in character thing for them

Imagine the two of them just having a normal talk,and them accidentally revealing their feelings for each other

It would both hilarious and adorable to see [that's probably going to be the first story i'll write]


🖤: peepers would jump by the sudden revelation

He wouldn't know how to react,but he wouldn't be able to stop the happiness he was feeling at the moment

Of course he would Wander if he means it
And if he wasn't dreaming

🧡: Wander would also be in a shock,but he's first move would be hug peepers

Wander would call himself the happiest person alive

This is all i have to share for today
See y'all in first story 😔

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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