"What if I wanted to?" The woman on the other end of the line spoke, despite the fact Emmet couldn't see her, he could make out her smiling lovingly whilst saying it.

"Uh- W-Well-" Emmet began

"I'd do whatever you want!" He managed to blurt out.

"Hmm. What if I wanted to come to your place and have a chilled out movie session? Been really stressed out lately with junk and I could really go a relaxing end to such a long week." She groaned even thinking about her stressed life, and Emmet felt like a calm movie night would be the perfect excuse to tell her those three words.

"T-Then I'd say yes." He replied, trying to keep his composure.

"Then that's settled. You free around 7?" Lucy asked.


"See you then, Brickowski."


[call ended]

Emmet sat down, taking it in.

He was going on what you can consider a date with the woman he was in love with! He had not much time to prepare, so he needed to start working now!

He bought tons of things, some dvd's with movies she may like, some blankets, pillows, in order to make his double-decker couch as comfy as possible, so that she was relaxed like she wants. He bought some food, popcorn, snacks, and some dinner makings if she hadn't ate anything beforehand, and finally, some drinks in case she wasn't going to bring any herself.


7:59pm, Emmet's apartment.

Emmet sighed as he finished setting up his living room. He was wearing more casual clothes, it was a request from Lucy as she was going to as well, because she didn't have many "fancy" clothes, and it wasn't worth buying any specifically for a d.i.y at home movie night, she didn't think he'd have much apart from his construction outfit anyway.


That must be her at the door.

Emmet walked up to the door handle, took a deep breath in, and turned the knob.

He didn't expect Lucy to be able to look so stunning in pjs.

Her hair was out, which was a very rare thing, and she took off her makeup, and seeing the natural look of her face was enough to make Emmet a blushing mess before she could say hi.

"Hello, Brickowski. You look like you're just as tired as I am."

"Haha- yup! Been working hard to make this perfect, you- you... you look really good." He mumbled, letting his anxieties go away and instead letting his emotions free.

"Thanks, you too. Now, what have you been up to in here?" She asked, ending her sentence with a laugh as she got a glance of the inside of his apartment, which was transformed into a cozy cinema.

Emmet laughed some too, and moved out of the way, letting her come in and explore.

"You said you wanted to relax, so I thought I should just make the apartment really, you know, relaxed?" Emmet attempted to explain.

"Oh, wow, Emmet, this looks amazing! You didn't need to do this for me"

"Well, I want to make this nice for you."

Lucy smiled, taking his hand and guiding him to come sit down with her.

The two quickly cuddled up and picked something to watch.

Every now and then one would make a comment, reach to take a snack off the platter Emmet designed himself, or to grab a glass of the beverage the two were sharing.

Both of them felt like they could fall asleep just due to the others company.

Then Emmet remembered one of the reasons he even agreed to this

He needed an excuse to say 'I love you' to her.

The credits rolled on the movie they were watching and Lucy began to speak.

"Wow, can't believe they'd leave us on such a cliffhanger! Knowing these sorts of companies, they probably didn't even make a sequel."

"Haha, that's lucky I bought all the movies in the trilogy then." Emmet causally said.

"You did!??"


"C-Can we watch the next one-?"


Emmet got up to put the disk for the next film into his player, and as he sat down again, Lucy changed positions and was now leaning her chest against his, eyes still on the television though.

As the movie went on, Emmet noticed that Lucy was losing interest in it, yet she was too shy(?) to speak up about it. He didn't want to say anything himself either, so he decided to start getting ready to tell her those words.

He bought a hand up to her cheek, making her look up at him.

"What're you looking at?" She said, smiling.

"You." Emmet replied, having a dopey grin.

She rested her head against his chest again to purely laugh.

"That line is so cliché, I love it."

He laughed with her, seeing an opportunity.

"Can I say something else possibly cliché, and also actually mean it again?" He asked.

Her eyebrows lifted in curiosity

"Go for it."

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"I love you."

He opened his eyes after a few seconds of silence, scared to see what her face was considering she hadnt said anything.

The last thing he expected was to see her love-struck face, mouth open in a shocked way, and a sparse tears rolling down her cheek.

"I...I...you actually mean that?" She asked, looking for clarification. Her voice was in breathy a tone he'd never heard from her before, maybe it was because she was slightly drunk or because she may of never heard someone say that to her in a long time, and she was shocked.

"Of course I mean it." He reassured.

Lucy sat up and paused the film.

"I think I love you too." Emmet began to cry with her, this was going better then he ever expected. Before he could say something else she leaned forward and kissed him on the lips.

This was going much much much better then he thought it would.

The two continued to kiss for some time, before finding a much better movie to watch, then, falling asleep together on the couch, both of them heavily worn out, and they both knew without a single doubt in their mind:

No matter what happened with the Duplo, they would both love each other.

❤️ E & L ❤️


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