Cruel World

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I'm not quite sure if there has ever been a single moment in my entire life that I have been completely satisfied. As unfortunate and otherwise disappointing statement as that is, It's true as far as I am able to perceive. The inescapable truth that everything I have loved and ever loved will be gone one day. Inescapable as the sun rising and falling, a pointless fact to run away from, and even more futile to shy away from. The end is rushing towards us and there is nothing any one of us will ever be capable of doing about it. That is beauty.

The beauty of living is dying, the futility of the pointlessness that makes us human, the inescapable future that we will all die one day is what keeps the cogs of our love moving forward. So many are unable to see the beauty in this because it is a bittersweet truth that we are all forced to accept and in turn, live with. Each day is a struggle, not because of the unfortunate suffering that is shoved upon us, but because we perpetuate that suffering. It is our perception, and perpetuation of life being the torture that makes it torturing. There is no outside force of us that tells us that we should hate our lives and ourselves because we live.

If we are to die one day, and we have accepted this as an undeniable truth, then where shall we derive purpose? Well, we take a look at our societies for our answer. Our industries and communities are what bolster purpose. Going to work to either support our homes, provide for our loved ones, or to give to our community is what continues to keep the world walking. Because of this incentive, the youngest of our society have lost sight as to why they take the actions they do, why they're making the choices they are. What is their purpose? A question that is being asked of ourselves less and less as the older generations instill in their children, and the children of their children that the only option is to produce currency, to provide and build upon a system that those children had no hand in constructing. Systems that these generations have no clue why they even choose to support, only seeing their options as destinies, preselected for them as they live. Furthering the thought of uselessness and futility to continue living. I know this for I am a member of the subjugated generation, a generation that has obtained nothing more than the façade of freedom and choice, all the while still living on a pre-paved path.

If there is no answer to what will free us of this monotony of pathed paths, and force fed ideals, then what is freedom? How are any of us supposed to obtain this "Free Will" that I speak of? The only solution is to strip away the emotional burden that those that came before us set in place. The burden that they shamelessly placed upon our shoulders. If we are to be free, we are to look within and find the purpose that drives the individual. A purpose beyond those that have been spoon fed to us. Not an easy task I understand. I understand this better than most. I also understand that to be able to do this, there are several road blocks in the way, several difficult challenges that can be a lot at times, like tolerating things that will force your hand to survive, you will have to work in places you don't want, or don't enjoy because of the necessity to eat. the opportunity will arise when you can choose to look inwards.

While dying is the bloom on the flower that is life, the moment in our seconds long existence where everything that we were or ever were will be exposed in it's unadulterated beauty. The process of building that beautiful flower is completed while we draw breath. It's built with the choices we make with the life we have such a temporary hold on. If all that we are is a futile, and impermanent life, full of torture and suffering, and the key to salvation is to find peace in the inert values that we struggle to see in ourselves, then I will struggle. I will fight and strive to find the core of what I am. Regardless of the burden that the exterior world puts on me. Regardless of the responsibility that is thrust upon me. I will fight to be fulfilled from the inside out. Not the former. I refute the idea that purpose is found in the world. True purpose is seen nowhere else in the world other than in ones self. Undeniable Truths.

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