Chapter two

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-Time skip to later that night-

After spending the day with y/n at a traveling funfair and winning her a big stuffed animal,

“Wow today was the best fun i've had since moving here” says y/n happy and excited 

“I’m glad to hear that, anyway I think it’s time to go it’s getting late” replied Jack happy for y/n 

“Yeah you’re right, would you mind dropping me home?” asks y/n in agreement 

“Not a problem” replies Jack as they head back to his car

-20 minutes later- 

Jack pulls up in front of y/n’s apartment 

“Today has been really fun and I’m glad I got to spend it with you Jack” says y/n with the biggest smile on her face 

“I’m happy to have spent it with you, I’ll see you at work tomorrow” replies Jack with a half smile 

“Tomorrow? But it’s Sunday tomorrow we don’t work on the weekend” replied y/n with the look of confusion 

“Yeah but didn’t you get the email from tequila saying that we had to be in the office for some debrief thing?” replied Jack, y/n checks through her emails

“No I’ve not been given any email about any debrief, look you go in and if they want me  give me a call.” replied y/n trying to hide her concern under her smile.

Jack pulls away after making sure y/n got in okay.

Authors note
Sorry its a bit short but I felt a good majority could be made into the 3rd chapter :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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