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The next few days were rough. It was like recovering from a heartbreak, but I wasn't the one heartbroken. I was dealing with the guilt of breaking someone else's heart.

Wilbur had stayed with me the whole time. He held me while I cried, held me while I slept, made sure I ate, made me laugh when I needed it, and overall made me fall deeper in love with him.

I was so in love with him that the label "having feelings for him" just couldn't get close to the full explanation of how much I love him. I had never loved anyone or anything as much as I love Wilbur.

Now, I was sitting on my bed while Wilbur played zoo tycoon on my PC.

"Love?"He asks.

"Hm?" I ask.

"I'm lonely." He sighs dramatically.

"I'm right here." I laugh.

"Come here." He says.

I walk over to him, and he pulls me down onto his lap, sending a shade of red over my face as he keeps playing.

As Wilbur played, I couldn't stop laughing.

"Wilbur stop!" I giggle as he makes a bunch of lions eat the other characters. "Will!"

"I didn't mean to let them escape!" He laughs.

"Will stop!" I laugh.

"I'm trying!" He giggles. God his laugh is one of my favorite things in the world.

Every few seconds I would remember I was sitting on Wilbur's lap, and it would send butterflies through my stomach.

"I'm gonna play raft now." He says as he switches the game to raft.

He loads into a world, and as he plays I comfortably sit there and watch.

"You're so perfect Evelyn." He whispers as My face turns bright red.

"I hate you." I laugh.

"You love me." He teases.

"Sure." I jokingly laugh.

"Evelyn can you come here?" Ran yells from the kitchen.

"Yeah!" I yell back. "I'll be right back Will."

"Don't leave." He dramatically groans as he hugs my waist close to him, sending butterflies throughout my stomach.

"I'll be back in like a minute Will." I laugh.

"Fine." He sighs dramatically as I go out to see Ran.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Can Bill come over?" He asks with a grin.

"Fine." I laugh.

"Lets go!" He cheers. "Also, once he's here do you wanna go out to dinner with us? Will can come."

"Sure." I smile.

I go back into my room, and as soon as I walk in Wilbur throws me onto my bed, and lays right on top of me with his head buried next to my head.

"Jesus- Hi Will." I laugh as I run my fingers through his hair.

"I missed you." He says.

"I was gone for a minute tops." I laugh.

"I still missed you." He frowns.

"I missed you too." I laugh.

I feel him slowly relax as I run my fingers gently through his hair.

"By the way, Bill's coming over and we're going out to dinner." I say.

"Okay." He smiles tiredly.

"That means you can't fall asleep." I laugh.

"Whatever." He groans.

"Who you taking to with that attitude?" I tease.

"Wait no i'm sorry!" He gasps as he sits up and looks down at me.

"I'm kidding!" I giggle.

"Good." He says before laying down on top of me again.

"Will, you gotta get up." I laugh.

"I don't wanna." He complains.

"Will." I say.

"Fine." He says before sitting up.

Bill gets to our house, and we get ready for dinner.

"You guys ready?" Ran asks.

"Yeah." I reply.

We all go outside to the car, with Ran and Bill in the back seat. I go to get into the drivers seat, but Wilbur runs over.

"I'm driving." He smiles.

"Fine." I laugh.

I go over to the passenger side and go to open the door, but Wilbur runs over and opens the door for me with a grin.

"Thank you Will." I laugh, with my face slightly reddening.

He gets into the drivers seat, and starts driving us to the restaurant.

"Oh by the way, Phil and Kristen are going to meet us there." Ran says.

"Alright!" I smile. Kristen was like a mom to me. I could tell her anything. So obviously, my first thought is to tell her about me falling in love with Wilbur.

"You know who I wanna see again?" Bill asks.

"Who?" Ran asks.

"George, I haven't seen him in a while." Bill says cluelessly as Wilbur gives me a side eye.

Ran then whispers something in Bills ear, clearly about what happened between George and I. "Oh shit."

We get to the restaurant, and meet up with Phil and Kristen inside.

"Evelyn!" Kristen gasps.

"Kristen!" I smile.

"Hi gorgeous." She smiles as we meet in a hug.

"I need to talk to you." I say with a smile.

"Okay!" She smiles. "You boys go get a table, we're gonna talk outside real quick.

"Alright." Will smiles.

Kristen and I go outside, and sit down on a bench.

"What's up?" She asks.

I take a deep breath. "I...have feelings for Wilbur."

"What?" She gasps.

"Not even just feelings, I'm genuinely in love with him." I sigh with a laugh.

"Oh honey, you definitely have a chance with him." She laughs.

"You think so?" I ask.

"Oh definitely, I've seen the way that boy looks at you, if anything he's even more in love with you than you are with him." She says.

"I hope." I laugh.

"Are you gonna make a move?" She asks.

"I mean we're really flirty recently, like more than before." I say. "But overall, I'm probably not gonna make any big moves."

"Well let me know if you need advice or just wanna rant about him, cause i'm always here for you." She smiles.

We go inside and find the other guys, and I sit down right next to Will.

On one side it was Phil and Kristen, then me and Will across from them, with Bill and Ran each on one end of the table.

"Everything okay?" Will asks quietly.

"Yeah." I smile.

Will and I just smile at each other for a few seconds, before snapping out of our gazes.

"Evelyn, what are you doing for your birthday?" Phil asks.

"I'll probably just have another big party like last year." I say.

"Can I go?" Bill gasps.

"Sure." I laugh.

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