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Alvin's pov:


Luke's voice brings me back. I look at him, his eyebrows lifted as he is waiting for my answer. I turn to Alexi who's in deep sleep.

"Do you want me to..."

I frown as I give a sharp glare, it makes Luke fall into silence.

"My apologies, Boss..." He says, slightly looks down probably knows that he just asked the wrong question.

I push the door open, walk out to the opposite backseat. I then opened the car door, lowered my whole body and my eyes fell to Alexi. Gently, I wrap my arms before I pull her close as I lift her.

Is she supposed to be this light? I glance at Alexi. Our faces were very close, I could hear her breath, I could feel her warm breath touch my skin. My heart flatters. Shit, calm down now.

I walk carefully, just want to make sure any slight missteps to not wake Alexi up. Luke who knows his task, rushes ahead of me. He push the door open and he hold it until both of us enter the house.

I scan the living room before I head to the staircase. Right, nice timing. Ashley enters the living room with a container of ice cream on her hand while a spoon is still in her mouth. She must be having a blast with her movie night, as I can see a few empty junk plastic wrap on the table in front of the television.

Ashley stands speechless, but her eyes sparkle. Before she could ask anything, I warned her.

"Don't. Ask. "

Ashley purses her lips tight, but she cannot help but smile as she looks at Luke. I know her, she definitely will ask Luke to tell her everything.

I ignore them and straight to my room on the second floor. I lay Alexi gently on the bed. My bed.

I pull the blanket at the bottom of the mattress to cover Alexi, but I remember that she spill on her hoodie. I put the blanket aside and remove my jacket. I scan her, ensuring that her sleep is not disturbed.

I kneel beside the bed, I place my hand under her neck and lift her a bit before I pull her own hoodie off her. My breath got heavy, as her scent hit my nose. What are the scents that she has? Sweet fruity. Peach maybe?

She is drunk, but I can't detect any of the alcohol smell from her. I just smell her.

Damn. I get up suddenly to prevent any unlikely events. I pull the blanket up until it covers her shoulder. I rush to the bathroom in my room and intend to shower so that I can soothe the uneasiness that I feel right now. I don't like the way that my heart is pounding every time I near her. Or touch her.

As I predicted, I feel so much fresher and relieved after washing up. Right, maybe it was just the drinks that I had at the party. My heart would never, right?

After changing into comfortable clothes, I walk out the bathroom with a towel on my hand to dry my half-dripping wet hair.

But after three steps, I stopped after I looked up. Alexi. She wakes up and sits on the side of the bed. I can see the frown on her forehead as she is still confused.

The moment she lock her eyes on me, Alexi smiles.

"Hi-it's you...it is really you..."

"Yeah...you should...get back to..."

I said, but her soft voice reached my ears.

"Hey-Alvi...where am I?"

She called my name. The name that I forbid her to say since that night.

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