Start from the beginning

"Eh," she narrows her eyes, before leaning against the door with a sigh.


"Why?" she finally speaks up.

"Why what?"

"Why do you like me?"

"I have a feeling even if I tell you, you're still gonna turn me down."

"Tell me anyway?" she grins a bit, and he can't help smiling back.

"Alright, well. This probably won't make sense," he runs a hand through his hair. "Because you... you feel like home."

"Home?" she raises an eyebrow.

She'd been expecting something superficial, like she was pretty or she had a nice body, not this.

"I don't... I don't really have a real home, not like this, not a warm place to go no matter what happens with people who love me unconditionally," he waves a hand toward her house.

Her lips pout at that, never enjoying the reminders of how different his home life was compared to hers.

"But you... when something goes wrong I look for you. When things go right, you're the first one I want to celebrate with. You don't judge me and you cared even when I was a dick. This might be too much, but when I think about my future, all I see is you."


"You and those big brown eyes, or that smile- God, I love your smile. I'd do anything you asked if it'd make you smile, and if you just give me a chance, I can promise you I won't hurt you," he cups her cheek, thumb running across it. "But I get it if you still don't want-"

She cuts him off by pulling his face down to meet hers, lips capturing his in a searing kiss. He hums at the realization of what was happening, hands gripping her waist while he tilts his head for better access.

The kiss gets a bit heated, with him pushing her against the house, fingers tracing circles along her bare waist. Her arms wrap around his neck, fingers playing with the hairs at the nape while his tongue expertly slides into her mouth.

Sam usually wasn't so forward, usually opting to play hard to get, because to be fair, she is. However, something about what Steve was saying just made her melt.

Maybe because she could tell he meant every word.

Getting so caught up in the kiss, they both forget where they are, only reminded by Bianca yanking the door open.

The two immediately pull away before sheepishly turning to the girl who had a knowing smirk.

"Yes?" Sam's voice cracks, making Steve grin a little that he was able to have that effect on her.

"Sorry lovebirds, I was wondering if I could borrow those fluffy blankets in your room?"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," she waves her off, almost annoyed she'd interrupted the best kiss of her life for that.

"Thanks," Bianca grins, walking back in the house.

As soon as the door closes, the pair turns to each other with a chuckle. Sam breaks the silence first, saying, "I'm a nag."


"If you're serious about this, I want you to know what you're in for. I'll nag you all the time. Ask anyone in my family, I'm relentless."

"I like it when you nag."

"My preferred argument tactic is the silent treatment. I'll ignore you so well you'll start to think you're invisible."

"I'll just have to make you talk to me then."

"I'm mean."

He outright snorts at that, and she frowns. "I am! I criticize everything."

"You're not. Stop trying to convince me not to like you, it won't work. Listen to me," he grabs her shoulders. "I want you. Even when you're naggy, mean, and immature."

She narrows her eyes, assessing him one last time before sighing. "Pick me up at 7."

"Really?" his eyes light up.

"Yeah, I can't have you spending any more of your paycheck trying to convince me," she smirks.

"You won't regret it. We'll do everything at the fair on the Fourth. I'm talking the ferris wheel, riding every ride, I'll even win you a stuffed animal, and we can get dinner afterwards. That cheesy sixty's diner you love. It'll be the best date you've ever been on."

"I'm sure, " she chuckles.

He softly smiles, having some sort of internal battle before briefly kissing her again. "See you tomorrow."

"See you," she waves, as he gets in his car, driving off.

She leans against the door once she walks back in the house, immediately jumping around at the past events.

Gianna pokes her head out of the kitchen entryway, holding a glass of water.

"Why are we jumping?"

"He asked me on a date and I said yes," she nods assuredly.

The woman swiftly puts down the glass, running over to Sam and jumping up and down as well. "You're going on a date! Oh, where is he taking you?"

"The fair on the Fourth."

"That's good. He didn't choose something generic, which shows he's putting effort in. What are you going to wear?" she grins.

"I'm gonna figure that out tomorrow, after I've gotten some rest."

"Right, right," she nods, excitement lingering in her tone. "I've gotta tell the moms."

"Of course," she laughs. "Goodnight."


Meanwhile, Bianca, El and Max were finally getting ready for bed, squeezing onto Bianca's full.

The redhead and brunette notice El's demeanor, clearly still concerned about today's events.

"Hey, there's nothing to worry about anymore, okay?" Max assures.

"It doesn't make sense," El sighs.

"What doesn't?" Bianca sits up, a frown growing on her face.

"Heather. The blood. The ice."

"Heather had a fever, but she took a cold bath, so she's better now. That has to be it," Max explains, and Bianca grimaces, not fully believing there was nothing going on herself.

"The blood was weird, though," she shrugs.

"I don't know where that blood came from, but... We saw her. We all saw her. She's totally fine."

"What about Billy?"

"What about him?"

"He seemed wrong."

"I second that," Bianca points. "He's never that polite."

"Wrong is kind of like his default, but it's nice to know he's not a murderer, because that would've totally sucked," Max chuckles.

The girls chuckle as well as Bianca jumps up, grabbing three Wonder Woman comics from her fully stocked shelf. El points to one, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Who... is that?"

"Oh dear God," Bianca gasps.

"Yeah, we definitely need to hang out just us more," Max nods. "This is Wonder Woman, AKA Princess Diana."

"Yeah, she's from Paradise Island and she's a female superhero. Kinda like you in that way," Bianca grins, pointing to El.


"The superest hero."

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