Chapter 14

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Hello, sorry If I was gone and haven't been posting.
But here's a chapter for you guys :)

This will be a short story.
It's just small parts of your life after the attack.

Hope you enjoy!

1 Day after the attack


I walked by the sidewalk, eating ice cream. People were walking with their friends or partners. '(Sigh) sure get's lonely here'. I hummed at the thought. I wonder if Steven or (Best Friend) would like to hang out. I finish my ice cream and started walking to Steven's house.

~Short time skip~

I knocked at Steven's house, waiting patiently. I heard footsteps walking near the door. The person opened the door, greeting me. "(Y/N)! What brings you to my home?" Steven asked. "Well I thought if you would like to hang out with me? Your not busy, right?" I told Steven.

"Sorry (Y/N), but I have to fix the city from what happened yesterday." Steven apologies. "Oh. I understand. Is there anything I can help with?" Steven thought for a while. "Yes! You can help with fixing the Donut Shop!" Steven told me. Do I get free donuts if I help? "Ok! Your heading there right? We can walk together!"

"Sure, let's walk" Me and Steven walked to the city, side by side.

~Time Skip~

I opened the door, leaving the keys on the kitchen table. Ugh, today I did a workout, huh? I walked to the bathroom, seeing my self on the mirror. "Ew, I look so sweaty. Well, time for a nice refreshing bath." I started the water. I took my clothes off, getting ready to get in the water. When the water was ok, I went inside. A big sigh left my mouth. As I was washing myself, I started humming a song that I know and love.

~Little Time Skip~

I was on my Pj, relaxing on my bed. A yawn escaped my lips. "Well time to hit the hay" I made myself confortable on the bed. Sleeping peacefully.

1 week after the attack

Everyone has been helping with fixing the city. Including me. My brothers have been talking to me on the phone, making me feel less lonely.

5 weeks after the attack

The city is almost done. Steven invited everyone on a barbecue, saying we needed the rest. So nice of him. Everyone had a blast. Eating and talking. I talked to a Jasper that I found on the woods. I noticed she doesn't like to be around with other gems or humans. Even me. But I tried to talk to her, even though I might die or get hurt. She started with threatening me to stay away from her, saying, "I can kill you if I wanted to" and, "Stay away from me, or you'll die!". Yeah, at first it was hard to talk to her, but she is starting to get use to me. I think...

1 month

The city was all fixed! It was like there was no gem attack ever happened. I couldn't hang out with Steven a lot. He's been busy. Poor kid, can't have a break. Oh! Jasper and I hang out on the forest now! She is still mean about things but not as mean as before. I tried to show her Pizza but she doesn't want to eat it. I tried not to force her because she can kill. Every night I think about Spinel. Maybe I should visit her tomorrow? But how will she react? Will she still want to be my best friend? Would she remember me? Sigh, we will see tomorrow. But now I have to sleep. Good Night...
Good night everyone.
Hope you had an awesome day.

March 4, 2023

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