Chapter 4: Aya's Real-World Problems

Start from the beginning

Her family despised him and tried to be cordial, but sometimes, they would lose their patience and send him away. His anger radiated off him as he stormed off, making them all concerned.

Her best defense was avoidance, and it worked. However, on her sixteenth birthday, she was doing an event to celebrate her birthday with her fans, and he wouldn't leave Aya alone. He kept crowding her and trying to herd her away from people she wanted to talk to.

He acted like a jealous boyfriend, and everyone gave him a weird look at why he was interested in a teenager when he was far too old for her.

At that time, he was twenty-six years old, and everyone knew his thoughts on Aya. Luke was very protective and told him to stay away from her.

"Aya is still a minor, as we all are, and she is my sister, and I will do anything to protect her. What you are doing is unacceptable, boarding on criminal. You are a grown man accosting a teenager. If you do not stop, I will call the police," Luke growled, staring him down.

Luke could feel through their bond how he made her feel, making him angry every time he felt her stab of fear. Her bodyguards wanted to do more, but Aya was afraid he would try to get them in trouble like he had others that got in his way.

Her baby brother Nu was never afraid to separate them. He would always come from nowhere and latch on to her. He was so cute with his puppy dog face pouting for some reason or another.

Nu tried to run interference more than she liked. He had no fear knowing that his light could protect him. It always stressed her out since everyone in the family knew his importance.

"Sister, I need you! So many people! I am afraid we might get lost. Let's go find our brothers, and we can all go find our parents, "Nu would whine and pout.

He seemed so harmless, so cute, and childlike. However, through the bond, he was fierce and ready to take on Zhao Yìchén if he had to. He became an effective barrier between her and any that he felt was a danger.

Whenever things got tense, Nu would effectively calm them all so they could focus on the problem. Eventually, they realized that Nu did it as a protective measure. If they were calm, they would make rational decisions instead of irrational ones.

Even more impressive is his pushing the feelings when Zhao Yìchén was spotted. When he could get close enough and touch her, the brothers would growl in the bond, and she would jump.

Then the brother's anger could not be controlled by the tiny pushes Nu sent.

"Nu, go to Aya," Luke barked.

"On it," Nu was in motion.

"I have my father with the bodyguards on standby," Nate replied.

"I am ready to shake the foundations to start the people running if necessary," Jax, poised to use his earth power to start a panic to save his sister from this man.

She was always grateful for their race's ability to talk to each other without anyone knowing. It was hard at first to remember to speak out loud sometimes, but it got easier as time passed. They were always in each other's minds, hyperaware of their surroundings.

"Nu sweetie, I love you. You are my baby brother, but every time you get in-between Zhao Yìchén and me, it makes me nervous. Please be careful. I see you sending him light, but for some reason, it doesn't penetrate him like other people. His shine has always been dim, and his darkness will eventually overtake him if he doesn't change his ways. His thoughts are muddled and boarding on evil," Aya said, deep in thought.

Nu wrapped his arms around his sister tighter and looked up at her.

"I may be your baby brother, but I am the light. It is my job to heal. He can be handled, and I need more time and more power. Once I find my lifemate, I can break the barrier holding back the light and fill him with glorious healing. I promise you," Nu nodded his head confidently.

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