Piggy back gets them

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Raindrops P.O.V
We were a about a block away from the movie house, and we hadn't seen any sign of the Socs. we bought our snacks when Ponyboy said "so what movie do you want to go see" "honestly I don't care, I only came because Soda told me I should go" " Ok then Gone with the Wind it is. Two for Gone with the Wind please." I sighed as he handed us our tickets and we walked to our seats. I heard some dialogue and Ponyboy sniffling, must be a sad part. Them I think I fell asleep because the next thing Ponyboy is shaking me awake. I'm covered in popcorn, I turn and see everyone is gone. " we didn't go to Gone with the Wind" " What do you mean, we bought our tickets though" I questioned. " that's what I thought to but I guess today was horror day at the theatre. because the movie was really scary it had people jumping out and screaming, just really scary stuff." " wimp, so why am I covered in popcorn?" " Oh, haha well your gonna laugh because someone jumped out for behind the washer and killed someone. I got scared and I accidentally through my popcorn at you. oops" "ya you better be sorry" playfully punching him in the arm. " now let's go wait outside" Pony said. We walked outside and waited for Two-Bit or Dally to come and get us. It had been over half an hour and no one had come, I could Ponyboy was getting board
because he was playing Paul Newman in front of the mirror. "Pony what are you doing" I asked he jumped. he's been really jumpy lately probably because Johnny had been badly jumped a couple weeks ago, and he doesn't want that to happen to him. " Nothing, I know what your thinking no ones here well we're going to wait" "Fine" we sat there for about 2 minutes when a blue mustang came to the theater " what do we have here greaser siblings" I elbowed pony signaling time to go. he got the message and we started walking back to the house. we were about half a male from the house when the mustang came right in front of blocking our path. " well, well we meet again" bob said coming towards me and Ponyboy. Bob likes me and has always tried to get me to like him back. Never going to happen buddy. Then he and two others went for Pony, and one came to me and punched me in the nose making to start be bleed and pushed me towards the ground. then he turned to Pony and started to beat him up with Bob. when they took the switchblade out I got up and ran towards them and jumped on Bobs back like a piggy back ride. Pony yelled " Darry Soda anyone help!" Which caused them to put a rag in his mouth. I was kicking and punching Bob on his back. He got his switchblade on me and cut me across the leg. just then I heard Darry Soda Two Dally Steve and Johnny coming they ran over to help pony and get the Socs off of him. I was still beating Bob. They had got the Socs off of Pony had the Socs ran. Bob tried to run but I wouldn't let him. Darry saw me and signaled soda and dally to come and get me off of him. they had to pry me off of him. once they got me off of him me ran as fast as he could with everyone after him. " What were you thinking jumping on him" asked Darry . " Well they had Pony and I wasn't going to that them hurt him" I said limping off my leg hurt and was bleeding from where Bob had cut me. "rain what's with your leg" asked Dally asked. " oh nothing just hurts" "let me see" said a concerned Darry. " no where's Pony". i said trying to change the subject. " Raindrop Curtis do not try and change the subject, the rest of the gang took him to the house. it's just you and me so tell me what's wrong with your leg" Darry said. " do you really want to know" "yes please" I showed what happened the cut wasn't to bad just bleeding. " oh rain how did this happen" "when I jumped on Bob he cut me" he walked towards me and picked me up. " Darry what are you doing?" " I don't want you to walk on that leg" I complained but to was it was no use. just about as we were going to walk through the door I dropped my head to make it look like I was sleeping, we walked in and everyone saw me and rushed over. Pony was in the front saying " whAt happened to her" I guess it looked like I was dead. I rolled out of Darry's arms making everyone jump back even Dally. I jumped up and laughed saying "ha you fell for it " waking away into my room. I could the guys saying "she's good she got me" Two-Bit " anyone can get you Two dally said. with that I chuckled and fell asleep.

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