Operation: I.-S.C.R.E.A.M.

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We see two kids laughing in excitement when they see an ice-cream truck about to stop for them, . . . it didn't, the truck drove by at high speed leaving a trail of black duct for the disappointed kids. 

But them we see 5 silhouettes of kids jump into the truck as the driver drove up a windy cliff.

Numbuh 4: Whoop, whoops ( Numbuh 4 was driving the truck even though he couldn't see above the streaming wheel)

Computer Ice Cream Machine: Access denied

Numbuh 3: Please give me the vanilla chocolate swirl!

Numbuh 1, 5, and 7 were on top of the roof where magnet shoes, while the ice cream man was hanging onto the cone at the top for dear life.

Numbuh 1: All right, Ice Cream Man, spill it

Ice Cream Man: Please! I don't know anything! I swear!

Numbuh 5: We've had it with you guys just driving on by when kids want ice cream.

Numbuh 7: Ya! Ice cream is for us kids to eat not you grownups.

Numbuh 1: You know what we want

Numbuh 4: Huh? ( Other ice-cream trucks chase after them)

Ice Cream Truck Driver: Heh heh heh heh heh! Ha ha ha ha

Ice Cream Man: Waa! Whoa-ho!

Numbuh 3: Ugh. Ugh! Ugh! ( Numbuh 3 still can't get the ice cream machine to give her some ice cream.)

Ice Cream Truck Driver: Rrrrrr! How's about a little hot fudge, Sonny? ( The back of the truck opens to reveal hot fudge that he pours onto the street.)

Numbuh 4: Oh, crud. (He swerves to avoid the fudge, this causes the ice cream machine from the back of truck to fly out and destroy one of the ice-cream truck pursuers.)

Numbuh 3: Whoa!

The last truck in the back of there chase sends out a large  ice cream come missile)

Ice Cream Truck Driver: Huh? Ha ha! Bon appetit!

Numbuh 4 sees the missile out the side mirrors coming strait for them.

Numbuh 4: Huh? Uh-oh. Hang on, gang! ( He swears the truck into the side of the mt., then up the sides of the tunnel while the cone goes under them).

Everyone: Whooooaa!

The missile hits the truck infant of them sending in into the air flying them smashing down into the last truck in the chance.

Ice Cream Truck Driver: Huh? Aaaaaaaaaaaah! Whoo-hooo haaaaa!

Ice Cream Truck Drivers:-Aaaoow!-Yay! Strawberry

Back to the roof

Numbuh 1: That was close. Now, where were we? (Numbuh 1 grabs the Ice Cream Man who's holding onto the cone.)

Numbuh 1: Okay, talk! We know you're hoarding all the soft serve for yourself in that ice cream factory. We also know there's a defense system to keep us kids out. What's the password?

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