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Hazel posted a photo

Hazel: I was thinking about getting these Jordan's or some light green ones

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Hazel: I was thinking about getting these Jordan's or some light green ones.

(A/N sorry I couldn't upload any more photos so yeah sorry!)

TheHounarableDaisyWells : light green

Amina the goddess: light green.

ALEX:) : I think you'll look cute in any kind of shoes!☺️

Hazel: Awww. Thank you Alexander!

George the angel: Have I missed something or are you two dating?

ALEX:) : George ,me and Hazel are just friends !

Hazel: Yes exactly!

ALEX:) : I mean sure she's cute and all with really beautiful eyes  but we are just friends.

Hazel: Did you just call me cute? 

TheHounarableDaisyWells: Oh snap. She caught you Longarms!

ALEX:) : Shut up Daisy!

Kitty cat: What did I mis- omg I just thought of the perfect username!

Kitty cat changed her username to Alex and Hazel shipper

Alex and Hazel shipper took a  screenshot of the chat

TheHounarableDaisyWells took a screenshot of the chat

George the angel took a screenshot of the chat

*Beanie* took a screenshot of the chat

Lavina is the murderer took a screenshot of the chat 

Amina the goddess took a screenshot of the chat

Hazel: Seriously guys? What is the point?

ALEX:) : Yeah your upsetting Hazel.

(Serious chat over sausage rolls)

George the angel: Who else thinks they should date?

Alex and Hazel shipper: Excuse me have you seen my username?!

Lavina is the murderer: Don't talk to George like that!

George the angel: Awww thanks Lavina <3 <3

Lavina is the murderer: 👍😚😋

Alex and Hazel shipper: God you guys are protective!

TheHounarableDaisyWells: you are all so childish.

TheHounarableDaisyWells: OMG guys!!

*Beanie*: What was is it? Has there been a murder?

TheHounarableDaisyWells: WhAT! No. Hazel said she's going to the market.

Lavina is the murderer: What's wrong with that?

TheHounarableDaisyWells: There is no market in walking range and she said she's going to walk!

Amina the goddess: Plot twist!!

George the angel: OMG Alex is saying he's going to the market as well!

Alex and Hazel shipper: Do you think they are going to meet up?

TheHounarableDaisyWells: I'll just use the tracker app on my phone.

*Beanie*: Can that track all of us?

TheHounarableDaisyWells: Yep.

George the angel: Even me!?

TheHounarableDaisyWells: Yes George of course you too.

Word count: 360 <3

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