Assassin x Reader

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I loathed you.

Working with you was a pain, I didn't know if I could take any more. I constantly questioned why our boss paired us together. You were a beginner with no training, and I was on top.

The two of us together didn't mix. I had to teach you everything, every small detail and trick so that you could keep yourself alive. Meanwhile, I was frustrated that you were dragging me behind.

Eventually, you got the hang of things. I watched you progress, and the first time you beat me in a sparring match, I was proud. I think that's the moment I realized I wanted you.

Seeing you smirk at me while I was at your mercy triggered something in me. Having you on top of me like that made me damn nervous, but I wanted to see that expression of confidence more often. It suits you.

Your skill in weaponry became exponentially greater, and you humbly accepted it. Your ability to stay silent and sneak around improved too.

I couldn't believe it, but within a few months you were almost on par with me. Guess I did some good teaching. Now, we're going on missions together, succeeding with such little effort. Before we could hardly work together, but at this point, I trust you with anything. We have each other's backs, and I'm thankful to have you.

Sure, I don't show much of how I feel. The most I'll do is smirk and nod or ruffle that cute hair of yours. Maybe it's not my place to admire my partner so much, but I can't help myself anymore. Everything about you is intriguing to me, despite what I used to think of you.

I rarely get to see you smile with your teeth, and when I do, I cherish it. I treasure the moments you look into my eyes, and all I want is to stare into yours for just a little longer.

I promise that as long as I know you, you'll never be hurt. You'll never feel pain, physically or emotionally. I won't let anything happen to you. And with the trust we've built, I think you'll do the same for me.

Walking in this forest with you at sunset after our mission, it makes me feel a certain way. Should I tell you? How? Would I ruin everything?

"Hey, rookie,"

"Hm? What's up?"

I take no moment to hesitate as I pull you into a loving embrace. My arms wrap around your back and my hand on the back of your head as you bury your face in my chest, squeezing me back.

"I'm so proud of you," I whisper.

"Thank you. I couldn't have done it without you, you know," you whisper back.

I can't help but give a breathy laugh and hold you closer. How could I have ever loathed you?

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