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It was the boy from this morning, "It's fine, but are you ok?" He asked, "I'm fine, thank you." I started walking back towards the Great Hall. We walked over to the table Sirius was at. "Ah Remus, it seems like you found Rose." Sirius smiled at us, "Sirius has the post come yet?" I asked him, "Oh yeah, Mum sent you something." He handed me a scrolled paper and I put it in my robes. "Thanks. Sorry for hitting you James, but it's not nice to insult people." I turned on the messy haired boy, he looked dumbfounded and we all laughed. 

I went on through my day going to all my classes. I talked to a few people, but don't remember their names. The only time that I saw Regulus where he couldn't run from me was in Potions. But even then, he ignored me. I felt hurt at the way he just ignored me like that. Once class was done, I went out to the courtyard and met Sirius. "How were your classes Rose?" He asked me kindly, but I just broke. Tears sliding down my face and words stuck on the tip of my tongue. He took me to the common room and up to his room for some privacy. I cried and cried for a long time, and Sirius just held me. Eventually I came round enough to start talking. "It was good, but Reggie kept ignoring me as if he didn't know me." He smiled and then said, "My darling brother is the biggest idiot we've ever met. If he can't see who you are because of a school house, then he clearly doesn't know you." He sounded like he knew everything. "What did your letter from Mum say?" He added curiously, "Honestly I haven't read it yet, I was a little preoccupied. I'll read it now." I answered with the same curiosity and grabbed the scroll and read aloud.


               We heard about your fall from standards. We are very disappointed to hear that you've                     disgraced your family name. Your parents would be ashamed if they were still alive.                           Don't think  about coming home for the holidays. While you go through your school year,                 figure out where you will be living because it won't be with us. You can collect your                             things after the school year ends. 

                                                                                                                Walpurga Black "

I didn't hear Sirius' friends come in while I was reading the letter. I reread it a few times before looking up and seeing three extra sets of eyes. I yelped out in surprise and Sirius laughed. "Is everything ok?" The boy with green-brown eyes asked, "Yeah, you look stressed." James added in. "Oh yeah! Everything is fine. It's nothing to worry about." I smiled and acted as if the letter I got wasn't bad news. Like they didn't hear what I had said aloud. Sirius just looked at me and nodded, like he understood. I wanted to be alone while I thought so I left their dorm and went for a stroll through the grounds. I never really got to explore yet, so going around the castle was fascinating. I thought about Regulus, what Walpurga wrote and about Sirius' friends. For being here all of two days, I found myself to be full of problems. I thought about Regulus the most and what the reason for him ignoring me might be. I came to the conclusion that it's probably because he wants to please his parents. It still hurt me that he was ignoring me for that reason.

Another thought that I had was why didn't Walpurga not send a harsher note? What was going on there, she must have something up her sleeve. I kept on walking through the grounds; exploring as much as I could. I made it over to what looked like a normal willow tree, but when I got closer to the tree, it swung at me with its long vine-like limbs; I jumped back as it swung at me again. I stepped a few more steps back and walked away from the tree, I decided to go back inside the castle. I went back to the common room and do some homework. Sirius and his buddies came parading through the room and stopped in front of me. "Hey Rose, come on we're going to have some fun." He commanded and grabbed my hand, "But my schoolw–" He interrupted my words by throwing me over his back. "Not tonight sweetheart, we got some fun to do." He laughed with the guys carrying me out of the room.

Sirius carried me into the hall and then into a smaller one. "What are you doing?" I asked him, "Taking you with me, we're going to have a little fun." I shut up because he wasn't going to tell me his plan. I should've known he had a prank planned by how he was all hush-hush. "What type of pawn am I in your plan?" He just smiled and said nothing. I tried again, but asked one of the others. "What are you going to do? Who are you going to prank?" Again, nothing. "Can I at least know what my part in all of this is?" I wanted to know my part in this at least, then I'd shut up. "Can you be quiet at least for a small while, we're going to get caught if you keep talking!" The boy with green-brown eyes whispered back. I got an answer, but not the one I wanted; but I did keep my mouth shut. We finally made it to their planned destination and stopped.

"Alright Remus and Sirius go under the cape. Once the door opens, book it towards the entrance. Make sure you're close enough to hear the Slytherin password as well." I was astounded, "The Slytherin house! That's what the plan is? Start issues with Slytherins before school is even a week in." They turned back and glared at me, and I shrunk back again. "Sorry," I mumbled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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