Chapter 1- the book of death and the afterlife

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"Rose! Get up!"

My little sister Mila yelled up. It was time to get ready for school already. I plopped out of bed as I got ready for the day in my blue shirt and skirt.

I went downstairs to eat breakfast. As always, mom didn't have the time for us so I had to make both Mila and I's breakfast lunch and dinner.

"Sooooo Rose, you remember what day it is?"

Mila asked me. It had seemed to not be about herself.


Then it started to come back to me. It was my 16th birthday today. I couldn't believe I forgot.

"It's your birthday silly!"

Mila said with high spirits. She wasn't always happy though. She gets bullied at school by a girl named Evelyn. Mila is also lonely at school. It seems all her friends had left her by herself. She had one remaining friend. That was Riley.

Riley and Mila where friends since kindergarten and are still friends to this day. 

Riley is shy, but when he's around Mila he goes out of his comfort zone. He gets really excited when Mila is around. 

"Mom gave me this last night and told me to give it to you. Here you go Rose, happy birthday sister! Your the best in the world!"

Mila hugged me.

I opened the present. It was some kind of book. On the front it said "the book of death and the afterlife". I didn't know what it could be

"Do you get it? If not I can explain."

"An explanation would be good."

"Well... before dad died he found this at one of his digging sites. When he had cancer and was in the hospital, he told mom he wanted you to have this on your birthday. As for what it's for, your gonna have to figure it out for yourself."

Mila explained. I was in awe. So many questions I had about this one book.

Then the clock hit 7:30. It was time to go to school.

I sat at an empty table in the school library trying to make sense of this book. It was written in Japanese. I tried translating it, but it didn't work. Then a girl walked past me.

"If you want to activate that book, read the back."

She stormed off after she said that. I didn't know what she meant. Activate? Was this book some kind of mechanical stuff? I read the words on the back anyways.


The world started to spin as I woke up in a new world.

"Huh- what is this place?"

"Welcome to the afterlife strange human!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2023 ⏰

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