yn kills her ex

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The whole story will be in your POV

Yn pov

Megan was inches away from my face I backed away a little "u-um Megan your a little to close" she leans in even closer at then she was before at first I thought she was ganna kiss me while i sat there but then she says something I wasn't expecting "yn why do always go out at night?" "Umm because....I just go on a walk at night" I  say "oh is that so" she said almost sounding annoyed "Cady and Gemma should be back by now" I say "your right we should go look for them"she says  then drags me out of the room with a key of course about 20 minutes later we find them waiting in line

Time skip

It was night and every one was asleep so why not go find him after all I might just kill my ex well it's his own fault now I just need to go find a car I found a motorcycle I think it will go well with the costume I'm wearing (heres what you look like a long with the motorcycle)

It was night and every one was asleep so why not go find him after all I might just kill my ex well it's his own fault now I just need to go find a car I found a motorcycle I think it will go well with the costume I'm wearing (heres what you look ...

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(I got lazy and didn't wanna make it in gacha club)

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(I got lazy and didn't wanna make it in gacha club)

Im currently driving to his machine and I have a katana cause I know he's ganna have security try and kill me but trust me they won't even be able to hit me I'm close but people are outside guess I'll have to take care of them first "hello mother fuckers do you know where I can find E/n" I say (ex's name) "why should I tell you" one of them says "aww that's such a shame that I have to deal with you my self" I say getting in to a fighting stance then one of them comes at me but I dodged it cause he's slow then I slash him with my katana and he falls down blood coming out of his mouth by now I was behind him

I was walking to the other one while he ran and tried to hit me but I dropped my katana and said something I never thought I would say  "I surrender" I say my face dropping he looks down and smirks then I laugh "hahahah you thought in a million years I would ever surrender!" then I get up slightly so I can kick him in his face (kinda like yor did when she was fighting loid) when he's down I stomp my foot on him then when I get to his face I make sure to slam my foot down "you know It didn't have to end like this you know" I say then walk to the front door and guess what MORE people are there you know what let me just kill them real quick okay "hello so can we just get this over with" I say rolling my eyes then they come at me I don't even need to use the katana at this point then fight them they all come at me but they are still slow so Im now down to one he try's to hit me but I go behind him and take the case of the katana and put it to his neck choking him

"Tell me where I can find E/n and I won't hurt you" I say in a kind voice while making the case go softer "he's on the fifth floor" he says "thanks for the info oh and by the way I lied'i say and make the case slam in to his neck causing him to choke while he's coughing I take his head and slam it against my knee then kick him and kick him off then take the katana and stabbed him then go to the fifth floor

I'm here looking right at them I walk to them they stand up then I start hugging them telling them I still love them and how I could never move on it was all a lie but they seemed to believe it and I got them distracted enough by the time he realized it my hand was already through their chest once I pulled my hand out I held his heart he was already dead then I threw it and walked out returning to the hotel climbing up the window and changing into my regular clothes and going to sleep and finally being able to have a good dream

Word count 752

Hello everyone my phones battery is at 20 and it's one forty four in the morning so please don't let this go to waste but have a good morning/night/afternoon bye🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸

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