Episode 5: Hide-and-Seek

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Anne: 74... 81... 93... 98... 99... 100!

{She then turns around and uncovers her eyes}

Anne: Are you ready? Are you reaaady?

{She stares at an darkened hallway}

Anne: Jeez... Grea and (Y/N) was just so eager to be the one to hide! What's up with that...? "Okay, Anne. Then you're it." Hmph!

{She then does a pose that looks like the "We can do it" propaganda and continues to stare at the hallway}

Anne: I'm gonna find them in no time! If I know both Grea and (Y/N), they'll hide somewhere in the shadows. Like right here!

{She ducks down to see if both of them were hiding, but doesn't see them down there}

Anne: Nope...


Anne: I see, so then she must be...!

{She looks underneath the tables, but they wasn't there as the scene cuts to her staring at the statue looking for the duo}

Anne: I have to consider those wings and that tail of hers, too. (Y/N) doesn't have wings, but those spiky things on his back. But I won't be so easily distracted! Slowly but surely, coming ever closer makes it very... exciting!

{She turns around, striking another pose with a face of determination}

Anne: If they're not here, then maybe somewhere wider with more space? I know just the spot.

—Random Place—

{We see both (Y/N) and Grea sitting next to each other in a random place in the library}

(Y/N): Umm... Why did we choose to hide here?

Grea: I... I don't know...

(Y/N): Also, thank you for cheering me up at the beach a few weeks ago.

Grea: Uh-huh.

{You then look to see Grea's face red and her tail moving side to side rapidly}

(Y/N): Grea... Are you feeling ok? You're looking kinda weird right now...

Grea: Yes...

{She bobbles her head up and down as you touch her forehead to feel what's happening}

(Y/N): Grea... You're feeling strange right now. Are you feeling sick?

Grea: No...

(Y/N): Grea... you can tell me what you're feeling, I won't hate you for it.

Grea: Umm... Ever since I kissed you at the beach, my body has been feeling strange every time I look at you...

{Her tail wagging intensifies as you stared at her for a few moments until you came to realization}

(Y/N): I... I think you're going through a process called mating season... It's that time of the year for you. Every single species has to go through the mating season.

{Her tail continues to wag side to side, her face not locking off of (Y/N) until she grabs your head and kisses you while her hand trails down your chest}

(Y/N): I guess this is your first time...

—🍋Short Lemon Warning🍋—

{Without saying anything, she climbs on top of you and kisses you again, this time it was more longer as the both of your tongues clashed with each other for a few moments before it got more heated as the two of your hands moved around Grea's tail as she was enjoying it}

(Y/N): Are you sure you want to do it here?

{She says nothing as she strips off her clothes as she moves her body down along (Y/N)'s before landing another kiss as this one was more heated than the last one as she once again forces her tongue inside (Y/N)'s before it clashes again, making her moan in pleasure until she ends it as she grabs your manhood}

(Y/N): Um... Are you sure you want to go... this far?

Grea: I'm... positive~

{She then grabs your manhood and slowly puts it inside her as she moans in pleasure. Moments later, she starts to move up and down, but due to her mating season, she slowly enjoy every single of it as she starts to move faster}

(Y/N): Grea~

{Grea speeds up as she begins to bounce up and down as she drags both of your shoulders and starts to moan uncontrollably while she continues. While she was moaning, you brought her to a heated tongue kiss towards Grea for a few moments until you end it}

Grea: (Y/N)~ Please~

{She continues to ride you while she continued to moan uncontrollably until she started to feel something as she called out your name in pleasure}

Grea: (Y/N)~ Give it to mee~

{It didn't take long before you exploded inside Grea as she release a loud moan that echoed in the room as she laid on your chest for a few moments while breathing heavily before you and Grea get dressed}

—Short Lemon End—

(Y/N): That was... interesting...

Grea: ...Thanks, (Y/N)...

(Y/N): I hope nobody heard us...


{You then start to clean up the mess as the scene cuts to Anne still looking for the two of you while walking in the hallway}

Anne: You certainly know how to make things interesting, Grea and (Y/N)! Grea? (Y/N)? I know exactly where you are hiding!

{She continues to walk down the hallways searching for the two of you as the scene cuts to Anne looking near a bookshelf as she continues to look around until...}

Anne: Wait, maybe...?

{The scene cuts to Anne leaning, still looking for (Y/N) and Grea as she gets frustrated by the minute}

Anne: Grr...

{Another scene shows Anne submerging her head underwater, possibly to look for (Y/N) due to his ability to swim and breathe underwater, but fails}

Anne: You're quite sneaky, (Y/N)! Now you've made me get serious! Just wait and see what I can do when I find you!

{As it continued to rain outside Mysteria Academy, Anne continues to search everywhere in the library as she stumbles across a room as she runs inside, desperately trying to look for them as the scene cuts to her now walking}

Anne: Grea... (Y/N)...

{After searching everywhere in the library for Grea and (Y/N), she makes her way back to the entrance and tries again}

Anne: Grea...? (Y/N)...? Are you there? If you both don't come out right now, I'm leaving! I mean it! For real, okay? GREA! (Y/N)!

{Moments later, we now see her on the ground, in a crouching position, her arms covering her face in defeat and sadness as she couldn't find the two friends, that is until we see two shadows appearing from the hallways into the entrance of the library which it reveals to be both (Y/N) and Grea}

(Y/N): Anne, what's wrong?

{You then crouch down to her level and stare at her}

(Y/N): Are you all right? Me and Grea are here.

Anne: ...

{With pure happiness, she runs up towards you and suddenly kisses you that lasts for a few moments before she ends it and hugs the both of you}

Anne: (Y/N)... Grea... I found you.

{She then hugs the both of you tighter as Grea blushes and looks towards you}

Grea: ...Right.

(A/N: That's it for Episode 5! This might be the shortest episode of the bunch, please don't blame me... Episode 6 will be soon! Stay safe out there!)

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